Recent content by Tented

  1. T

    Not a bug Manage Reply Bans - banned users can still react with likes, etc.

    Thanks for the advice. I still think it’s a bug that users can do this within threads they’ve been banned from.
  2. T

    Not a bug Manage Reply Bans - banned users can still react with likes, etc.

    But that would prevent them from responding to all threads, right? I’m trying to restrict a user from reacting to a specific thread.
  3. T

    Not a bug Manage Reply Bans - banned users can still react with likes, etc.

    I noticed a user who I banned from a thread using the “Manage Reply Bans” option can still react to people’s posts with likes. I figured banned users wouldn’t be able to do anything other than view posts in threads they’re banned from.
  4. T

    Set poll closing time and allow polls to be closed immediately

    Agreed. There should be the option to close a poll whenever you want, including setting a specific time. I deal with polls for sporting events which begin at specific times, and I want to have the polls open until shortly before the event begins, then close them immediately before the start time.
  5. T

    Is there a way to block a user from posting in a specific thread?

    Thanks, this helps, but I’ve noticed the banned user is still capable of reacting with likes, etc. One of the main reasons I wanted to ban a member from a thread was because they were reacting to peoples posts with laughs. They can’t post, but they can still laugh at people.
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