Recent content by TechnicalFisherman

  1. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Can't Access Site or Admin Portal

    Thanks, @Martok, I figured it out. I'd caused a DNS problem by setting the new storefront to the main url. So it was a DNS problem and just happened to appear as I was adding the new node. Always a sinking feeling when the site goes down... Thanks again.
  2. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Can't Access Site or Admin Portal

    I did what I'm guessing now was a bad thing while trying to setup a link to our online storefront today. I created a new node, which was to be a tab using the nodes as tabs plugin. In the URL blank, I pasted in a full outside URL. I hit save and then immediately lost access to the admin...
  3. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Duplicate Blocks in Sidebar

    @wang thanks so much, I'd looked at it several times and missed that. Thanks again!
  4. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Duplicate Blocks in Sidebar

    Thanks @wang , here it is... <xen:h1>{$xenOptions.boardTitle}</xen:h1> <xen:container var="$head.canonical"><link rel="canonical" href="{xen:link 'canonical:forums'}" /></xen:container> <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.boardDescription}"><xen:container var="$head.description"> <meta...
  5. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Duplicate Blocks in Sidebar

    Thanks, no, using the default style and not using the [bd]widget framework. Here's a link to the page in case it helps...
  6. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.5 Duplicate Blocks in Sidebar

    Just upgraded to XF 1.5 and for some reason I'm now getting duplicate blocks in the sidebar on our forum list page. Specifically, 'Staff Online Now' and 'Members Online Now' appear twice, separated vertically by a recent posts block. Any suggestions on how to fix greatly appreciated.
  7. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.3 Email Error Issue

    I run a forum that I recently migrated from a managed VPS on GoDaddy to another hosting plan at GoDaddy. I migrated the forum by copying all directories down from the old server and writing them over an earlier version of the site on the other hosting plan. I then successfully migrated the...
  8. TechnicalFisherman

    [8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Thanks @Jaxel- I was trying that yesterday but kept getting parse errors. Figured out that it was because I was using mac TextEdit and it was doing something strange with the encoding. All working now, thanks very much for the prompt support!
  9. TechnicalFisherman

    [8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Got it, thanks @Jaxel. I'm seeing a line that has the following- 'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:media’) is this where the change should be made or URL inserted? is it a matter of changing the path after full: or something else? Sorry for the repeated questions.
  10. TechnicalFisherman

    [8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid]

    Thanks @Jaxel. Is there a specific line in the navtabs template I should be looking at? I'm not seeing it. Since the tab in question is one of the main level navigation tabs, I was thinking the change would need to occur navigation template? I'm assuming it's one of the "extratabs" if that's...
  11. TechnicalFisherman

    [8WR] XenMedio (Media) PRO [Paid]

    @Jaxel quick question about the navigation structure of XenMedio. Is there any way to make the view that includes filters and the tabs for recent videos/trending media/popular media/etc be the page that comes up when xenmedio is selected from the main forum navigation tab? Essentially, rather...
  12. TechnicalFisherman

    XenCentral Ad Server [Paid]

    For activating zones based upon "page criteria" in the "page information" option, is there a way to select multiple navigation tabs- ex forums and members? I've tried separating the tab names by commas and semicolons but still can't get it to work with more than one navigation tab. Thanks!
  13. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.2 Page Load Time Issues for Certain Users

    @Jeremy - I have not discouraged any IP's. I banned a number of spammer IP's initially, and still am struggling with whether that is the proper way to deal with them, but other than that, no other actions taken with regard to IP's. @Russ - I will double-check with the users but my...
  14. TechnicalFisherman

    XF 1.2 Page Load Time Issues for Certain Users

    I have gotten a couple of complaints about extremely slow load times on my forum, which is located HERE. I ran a poll on the site on load times and it appears that the vast majority of users are seeing good load times- it's just a couple of users that are having issues. However, they indicate...
  15. TechnicalFisherman

    Search Engine Visibility

    So, again the issue is not one with site configuration, but rather that the site is just not "on the grid?" It's only been up for 2 months so that's no great surprise or disappointment. Just wanted to be sure it wasn't a technical problem that I'd created. Thanks again for the insights.
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