Recent content by Tama

  1. Tama

    XF 1.3 "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." on user registration

    Anyone been able to shed any light on this, it doesn't happen with all users. Additional info: Running apache httpd 2 w/ php 5.5.13 and opcache
  2. Tama

    XF 1.3 "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." on user registration

    Still occurs after doing so and switching to reCaptcha. Edit: It only seems to be happening with users that share IPs
  3. Tama

    XF 1.3 "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." on user registration

    An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later. appears on /register/register source code for page doesn't yield anything: An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later. Addons: MySQL database summary: 166 tablesSum3,079,927InnoDBlatin1_swedish_ci941.5...
  4. Tama

    Facebook makes PHP 9x faster via virtual machine (HHVM?)

    The end of March has been given as a release date for the version that has mySQLi (
  5. Tama

    Flexile Dark

    Although it required some small modifications after we applied Flexile Dark as a child-style of the community patch for Flexile 1.2. Resetting templates fixed the rest.
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