Recent content by sysfoc

  1. S

    Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab [Paid]

    Good work. Thanks for the quick update. Could you please also add whatsapp meta tag.
  2. S

    XF 2.0 What is ad placement position called next to the logo ?

    Does xenforo has a default ad position for leaderboard ad in header next to the logo? What is this position called in ACP/Advertising?
  3. S

    Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab [Paid]

    How can we display first thumbnail as post thumbnail to share links on social media such as facebook, twitter, whatsapp etc.?
  4. S

    XF 2.0 Oops! We ran into some problems. You must wait at least 80 seconds before performing this action

    Sometime I get this error while posting a new thread. Is this normal if not then how to fix it. Please help Oops! We ran into some problems. You must wait at least 80 seconds before performing this action
  5. S

    XF 2.0 How to display threads details on a external page

    How to display threads with latest replies? I can display latest posts on external page but I want to display threads with latest replies instead latest posts because currently when one thread gets replies then each reply displays as a new thread on external page. I might need to use some...
  6. S

    XF 2.0 How to use finder method to get thread details

    Can some please guide how to use finder method to get thread information such as title, date &time, number of replies, user id to display on external pages?
  7. S

    Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab [Paid]

    Can someone please elaborate the following; Question: Is it possible to show thread thumbnails on locations other than forum view, for example widgets? Answer: Yes, it is possible and easy to implement. By default, we don't show the thumbnails on lists when we see the thumbnail information is...
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    XF 2.0 How to display threads details on a external page

    We will do custom development. Where does xenforo store this information in the database?
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    XF 2.0 How to bulk approve threads awaiting in moderation queue?

    Can you please post the exact queries that I need to run in the database?
  10. S

    XF 2.0 How to display threads details on a external page

    Can someone please guide how to get following details from a thread to display on external pages, 1- Thread Title 2- Thread starter ID 3- Thread start time 4- ID of a member who replied last post 5- Thread thumbnail (using thumbanil add-on)
  11. S

    XF 2.0 How to bulk approve threads awaiting in moderation queue?

    Yes, I set the criteria carefully and it also matched all the post and threads. After that, I selected the "Approve" option It ran without any error but didn't approve any post or thread.
  12. S

    XF 2.0 How to bulk approve threads awaiting in moderation queue?

    I already tried it in the ACP but it didn't do any thing. Do I have to run any query in the database if ACP option is not approving threads.
  13. S

    Custom XF Footer - Default Styling

    is this compatible with XN 2.x?
  14. S

    XF 2.0 How to bulk approve threads awaiting in moderation queue?

    I have imported forum from phpbb to xenforo 2. There are over 16k threads awaiting moderator's approval. Tried method suggested for xen1.5 in but it didn't work. Also I tried manual moderation with no success. Can some...
  15. S

    XF 1.5 Mass approve Moderated Post

    The point 12 is not working on XF 2.0. I think the DB structure is different in 2.0. Can you please suggest the new queries accordingly. Thanks.
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