Recent content by SuperJETT

  1. SuperJETT

    XF 2.0 Server time issues after upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0

    I put in a ticket with my hosting provider---they had to handle it since it's a shared host and affects other sites. I didn't get a root cause from them.
  2. SuperJETT

    XF 2.0 Server time issues after upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0

    I was finally able to convince my hosting provider's tech that it was messed up and they fixed it.
  3. SuperJETT

    XF 2.0 Server time issues after upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0

    Yeah, I created a php script and am getting: Where the current time is 11:31:00 on 15/02/2018. I've got a ticket opened, but it's strange how this has been intermittent since the update---possibly related to switching PHP versions and adding Curl?
  4. SuperJETT

    XF 2.0 Server time issues after upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0

    I've had occasional issues where Xenforo thinks things were posted in the future and won't allow members (or me) to post until xxxxx seconds have elapsed. I just checked server time with a php script and it's reporting that current time in my timezone is actually 12.5 hours in the past. I'm...
  5. SuperJETT

    Conditional Statements for XenForo 2

    To get some variables to work in all ad positions, they need to be referenced as global like {$} instead of forum.node_id
  6. SuperJETT

    XF 1.2 Ad unit below 5th thread in thread list

    This is what I ended up with in thread_list that puts my ad after the 5th post in a thread listing after the stickied threads. There may be a better way but this works. <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread" i="$i"> <xen:include template="thread_list_item" /> <xen:if is="!{xen:helper...
  7. SuperJETT

    XF 1.2 Ad unit below 5th thread in thread list

    Old thread I use CSS style for li:nth-child(5) to take care of this? CSS is not my strong suit obviously, any help to further explain this would be great.
  8. SuperJETT

    The Large XenForo Forums List 1,285,472 vBulletin
  9. SuperJETT - standup jetskiing

    Have a peek if you like: I started it over 8 years ago on vB 3.something, then vb4 but vb5 was horrendous so moved over to XF in December. I love it and the members picked it up very quickly. Currently over 12,000 members with around 1500 active in the past week, though winter...
  10. SuperJETT

    April Fool's Day

    I have in the past replaced everyone's avatar with a random blinkie from a folder of 100+ of them. Feel free to grab the collection I used last year here: On VB, I once started a thread and used the [me] mod that replaces that with their username and made up...
  11. SuperJETT

    Suspended by Adsense

    Nothing crazy that I remember, long since deleted though.
  12. SuperJETT

    Any Military Veterans Here?

    USN subs here, nuke electrician on both a boomer and fast attack, left in '95. It was a great 6 years of my life and the nuke/sub culture played a huge part in my civilian career success.
  13. SuperJETT

    Suspended by Adsense

    I just went through being suspended and reinstated as well. First a warning hit back in April for a thread from 2007, then another in October, then 2 in a row in November then suspended mid-December. I learned a lot during the process (was on VB at that time still) and had to basically cleanse...
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