Recent content by SophieRu

  1. S

    Fixed New conversation posts not showing until replied to

    I have done this many times. this did not fix the problem.
  2. S

    Fixed New conversation posts not showing until replied to

    Chris, how do you runing "rebuilding conversation"?
  3. S

    Last Post [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  4. S

    Fixed New conversation posts not showing until replied to

    Hi Chris, Yes, we have the exact same problem! Here are our query results: Chris, how do you run rebuilding conversation?
  5. S

    Duplicate Chrome. Quote Media

  6. S

    Last Post [Deleted]

    Default if there are no unread posts in thread, when you click on the link to thread, the first message opens. Addon makes the last message open .. similarly in conversation
  7. S

    Last Post [Deleted]

    SophieRu submitted a new resource: Last Post - Go to the last message in tread and conversation. Read more about this resource...
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    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid]

    please, make it possible to place the topics in the order of the last reply. not by creation date and the ability to duplicate articlelist widget with different settings
  9. S

    DL6 - [Widget] New Threads and Posts With Prefix Limit

    Yes, sorry would be great to add is a max character limit to the expanded view so the post can be shown here
  10. S

    DL6 - [Widget] New Threads and Posts With Prefix Limit

    Hi. Thanks for this add-on. Sorry but I do not find it: I have so: I need it to build a portal.
  11. S

    XF 2.0 Automatically use IMG Tag

    Hi, XenForo Team, When I insert a hyperlink to a video from YouTube or to a post with a twitter, the hyperlinks are automatically converted to media. But if I insert a link to the picture, then it remains a link. To do this, use the "insert image" button. Is there an option or plugin that would...
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