Recent content by son et lumiere

  1. son et lumiere

    XF 1.5 Javascript in templates.

    I'm having a bit of a problem. I can't get any javascript to run in a template. For example: <div id="jsDataDump" LegacyRep = "{$}" DisplayRep = "{$}" UserID = "{$user.user_id}" Username = "{$user.username}"...
  2. son et lumiere

    XF 1.5 Calling a custom user field in an addon template

    I have a problem: <xen:if is="{$}"> visitor array returns "no" </br> <xen:else /> visitor array returns "yes" </br> </xen:if> <xen:if is="{$}"> user array returns "no" </br> <xen:else /> user array returns "yes" </br> </xen:if> I'm...
  3. son et lumiere

    XF 1.5 Style an image based on the read status of a node?

    The layout wouldn't be correct, unfortunately :(
  4. son et lumiere

    XF 1.5 Style an image based on the read status of a node?

    I have a rather unusual request. First, a visual aid: This is a table in a forum description, styled with CSS. In an effort to both trim our site's index and give more visibility to these particular forums, we have elected to try this odd layout. The main drawback is that it does not show...
  5. son et lumiere

    BbCodes & Buttons Manager

    After I installed this addon, my registered users can't edit posts. Admins are fine, though.
  6. son et lumiere

    Conditional Statements

    Thank you! $member doesn't work for my needs but $post does.
  7. son et lumiere

    Conditional Statements

    Hello everyone. I'm aware of how to show something to someone depending on how many posts he/she has with thise following: 37. How can I show content to members with more than x posts? <xen:if is="{$visitor.message_count} > x"> This content will show to members with more than x posts...
  8. son et lumiere

    XF 1.5 Using a variable from a plugin?

    I'm trying to create a reputation bar to display on my forum, but to do so I need to check the total rep value of a user. Unfortunately it returns a null value. Ideas? This is the syntax, by the way: <xen:if is="{$user.xf_bdreputation_given} > 0"> <div class="RepBarPositive"><img...
  9. son et lumiere

    Better Blogs [Deleted]

    So, is there a way to set it so that comments on a blog post aren't all on one page? It makes it hard on our site when a blog post gets too many and then people can't load the page anymore.
  10. son et lumiere

    Conditional Statements

    I thought that number 4 shows information to a user who is in a specific usergroup? Say that this conditional was used in the template section for post messages: <xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $user, 12}"> This content will show to members of user group 12 </xen:if> Only those that...
  11. son et lumiere

    Conditional Statements

    Need some assistance. I'm an admin over at a vB3 forum. We're likely to convert to Xenforo in the near future. I've tested Xenforo a bit and am really liking it. Unfortunately, there are some issues that I was hoping could be answered. My forum has several contests where members can pick the...
  12. son et lumiere

    Regarding Conditionals

    Hi. I'm an admin over at a vB3 forum. We're likely to convert to Xenforo in the near future. I've tested Xenforo a bit and am really liking it. Unfortunately, there are some issues that I was hoping could be answered. My forum has several contests where members can pick the prize of being...
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