Recent content by Sly870

  1. S

    Permissions: Restore own thread, lock/unlock own thread

    Weird an addon is needed for something that should be part of the native forum permission but thanks for that link, will take a look into it.
  2. S

    Permissions: Restore own thread, lock/unlock own thread

    Has this been implemented for XF2 in regards to allowing users to lock their own threads and not others?
  3. S

    XF 2 Discord Integration to automatically assign role

    What would you charge for something like this?
  4. S

    XF 2.2 Discord & FB link in footer

    Thank you Brogan, much appreciated :D I found a theme that incorporates exactly what I am after :)
  5. S

    XF 2.2 Discord & FB link in footer

    Ah, I see. Lastly, would it be quite tricky to add a simple Discord / FB logo instead of text?
  6. S

    XF 2.2 Discord & FB link in footer

    Hi Brogan, Thanks for that. Would this be done in the admin section or in the physical files on the server? Apologies for the stupid Q :rolleyes:
  7. S

    XF 2.2 Discord & FB link in footer

    Good evening, I know this has been asked a ton before but just wondering if there's any new ways of doing, perhaps more efficient or a simple addon? I am wanting to add a small Facebook and Discord icon to the bottom of my footer with links to our Facebook page and Discord invite, how would...
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