Recent content by Slion

  1. Slion

    [rellect] Favicon For Links

    I think that's why I did not do it in the first place but at this point it does not make sense anymore.
  2. Slion

    [rellect] Favicon For Links

    @Chromaniac You should be able to use my mod published above. I ought to publish it as a separate add-on at some point.
  3. Slion

    Fixed Fix handling of "tel:" URLs

    Is there no support for tel URLs? It looks like they are just being stripped. mailto is supported by default. I see no reason why we should not support tel in the same way.
  4. Slion

    XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

    I'm not sure what people are complaining about there. Just don't renew the license until there is an update that you need or want. For me it means I usually renew every second or third year depending.
  5. Slion

    How do you handle spam registrations?

    For years and until recently I was able to defeat most bots with a couple of custom questions one of them being: "Take the square root of 25, do not subtract 2, instead add 3, what do you get?" That worked a lot better than Google's reCAPTCHAv2. However bots got clever apparently and I was...
  6. Slion

    XF 2.2 Resource categories page API

    My bad, it looks like it actually returns all resources, but the pagination information is rather confusing: "pagination": { "current_page": 1, "last_page": 2, "per_page": 20, "shown": 22, "total": 22 } The current_page seems to imply you are only getting one page. When in...
  7. Slion

    XF 2.2 Resource categories page API

    How do I specify the page I want with this GET resource-categories/{id}/resources API: As it is it just gives me the first page.
  8. Slion

    Slions - Table

    @Enes3078 Funny you should mention that. I thought about it as I was enabling those options and I remember thinking it looks like they are not translated in XF. Unfortunately it could be months until I get a chance to look into that. I'm also not familiar with the L10N process in XF. I accept...
  9. Slion

    colspan and rowspan

    You can now use that add-on too:
  10. Slion

    Duplicate Something's wrong with highlighting text using shift and left arrow key

    That could explain why my 2.2.13 installation does not have that issue but has.
  11. Slion

    Slions - Table Of Content

    @JBS That latest release should make it a lot easier to customize. I've added style properties for that purpose.
  12. Slion

    Slions - Table Of Content

    Slion updated Slions - Table Of Content with a new update entry: Release v2.2.13 RC 4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Slion

    Slions - Table Of Content - Release v2.2.13 RC 4

    Add styles properties
  14. Slion

    Slions - Table

    Slion updated Slions - Table with a new update entry: Release v2.2.13 Beta 3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Slion

    Slions - Table - Release v2.2.13 Beta 3

    Move style properties to their own group and rename them
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