Recent content by Slind

  1. S

    Email Queuing Enhancements

    Shouldn't it work for user emails?
  2. S

    Email Queuing Enhancements

    Hi @Xon, I installed this addon in the hope that it would help with mass email sending through "Email Users" unfortunately it didn't help and still takes half a day and interrupts from time to time. Is this incompatible with or does it...
  3. S

    XF 1.5 Mass E-Mail Processing

    Hi there, from time to time I send a buch of emails using the "Email Users" feature. Unfortunately I got to a point where it takes half a day and interrupts multiple times due to the amount of emails. I installed and...
  4. S

    XF 1.4 X-Frame-Options

    Ahh thanks. Any idae on how I can change that to "ALLOW-FROM"?
  5. S

    XF 1.4 X-Frame-Options

    Hi there, I need to modify the X-Frame-Options option to allow one domain to embed forum threads. I couldn't find this option in the ACP. How do I go about this?
  6. S

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    or just a badge which displays the status:
  7. S

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Would this be an option? It doesn't include the issue status, but at least the title and a short description snippet.
  8. S

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    hmm, ok. Would that be an option?
  9. S

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    Is there any chance for a github issue embed stating the title, description, tags and status?
  10. S

    [KL] Language Specific Forums [Deleted]

    Hi katsulynx, you might want to update the plugins description stating this ;)
  11. S

    Weekly Digest

    you might not want to post another persons email publicly. unless you replaced it with examples.
  12. S

    Fixed Outrageous Memory Usage for Resources with Many Watchers

    We ran into this or a similar issue with subscribed forums, the only we can create threads in those areas is by creating them somewhere else and moving them afterwards.
  13. S

    XF 1.4 Search URL without cache

    alright, thanks.
  14. S

    Resolved (Mark this thread as Resolved) - [Deleted]

    Is it possible to list "unsolved" threads and order them by age? Maybe as a new tab on "New Posts":
  15. S

    XF 1.4 Search URL without cache

    hmm, thanks. It looks like the prefix filter can only be used via. the post search while the keyword filter works via. the get search. I would like to have a clickable link that would list all threads with a specific prefix (across the entire board). Is there any solution approach that comes...
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