Recent content by Skyline_GTR

  1. S

    XF 1.5 The two-step verification value could not be confirmed. Please try again.

    Is there any reason to this error? I can't seem to fix the problem. Not sure where is this coming from.
  2. S

    Automatic URL Aliases - Automatic URL conversion

    Does this still work?
  3. S

    XenFactory - Black Friday Offer

    will there be anymore promotion coming? :)
  4. S

    The Large XenForo Forums List 2,937,665 posts:) Vbulletin
  5. S

    Credit System

    May I know which credit system is the best for xenforo?
  6. S

    Ad Location mod?

    Is there a mod in which it will automatically add the banner to these locations from this thread instead of editing the template one by one? I am using this add on
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