Recent content by skotos

  1. S

    Off-Topic Section = Good?

    Our gaming/media forum has a long running off-topic area. People often think it must be the hardest part of the site to moderate, but it's way less trouble than the on-topic areas.
  2. S

    Fixed API Doc Bug

    The description of GET threads/{id}/ incorrectly says that one of the responses is "messages': It should be "posts".
  3. S

    XF 2.0 Job XF:Feeder Error

    Thanks. RSS Feeds was my assumption, but then I couldn't figure out where they were!
  4. S

    XF 2.0 Job XF:Feeder Error

    I've been getting these errors since our conversion: They appear lock clockwork every 10 minutes and each time seem to flag a random URL on our boards, e.g.: Any idea where I should be looking for the source of these? Thanks.
  5. S

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin

    It looks like the problem was an interaction with Litespeed. Things wouldn't redirect properly if I used Litespeed's native redirection (in its control panel) but would if I enabled an htaccess file.
  6. S

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin

    So any ideas on debugging that XF-router? (Or anything obvious that might be wrong?)
  7. S

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin

    I'm getting the old 'The requested page could not be found.' error. It looks like all the pieces are there, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here's a sample URL: It should forward to this...
  8. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    XenForo Importers 1.0.2 (Should be the version that was new on the website on Friday.)
  9. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    And in case it's helpful for anyone's debugging: There were two notices that each had a start and end time that were passed and which were still active. It all looked right from the GUI, but when I reset those times from the GUI, everything started working correctly.
  10. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    Gotcha! Yes, if I turn off the Notices system, the pages load correctly, so hopefully it's something in there. I'm going to clean out a huge batch of old notices and see if that does the job. Thank you!
  11. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    I don't know what this means. The upgrade script should have been run with all the checkmarks, plus an entry for the import_log_table. The imported posts seem to have postdates: 1010200649.
  12. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    We had some problems with "Duplicate Keys" during the import process, which seemed to be a sequence of about 100 RSS-fed forum posts which somehow ended up duplicated: The dupes were removed and the process continued on. The only other errors that I see were the some RSS-related errors, since...
  13. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    20 million The vB4 was pulled straight off of the MySQL database on the same machine
  14. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    I also double-checked that I wasn't missing anything with the requirements script: Thanks!
  15. S

    Fixed Undefined index Errors After Conversion to XF2

    I just finished a conversion from vB4 to XF2 which had worked fine in a testbed, but on trying it for real I'm getting the following befuddling errors when I hit the main site: And: And: That trio shows up every time int he logs, while the page just says "An unexpected error occurred. Please...
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