Recent content by Silverstar

  1. S

    XF 2.2 Any widget show after an HTML widget

    It's solved, I forgot a < in the end of the iframe code
  2. S

    Predictive Search Engine

    Hi Zappa, I thought of it using Amazon and then I read it on a discussion of you I believe in TAZ. Small off topic, being a big reader of your forum, I wanted to register but ask you too much information for the connection. I simplified this process with Turnstile and just username, email and...
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    Predictive Search Engine

    when you search in the forums you have to letter a word then click on search. What I'm talking about is when you start writing a word, research starts to suggest discussions to you. let's say you write X, the search will start with all discussions starting with the word X by alphabetical ordre...
  4. S

    XF 2.2 Any widget show after an HTML widget

    with 2.2.13 and php 8.0 same bugs. but don't bother, I've reset my forum to the simplest state without cluttered visual disturbances. We can live without YouTube shorts. Let's keep it simple and keep writing relevant content.
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    Predictive Search Engine

    Hello, I am thinking of predictive search like at Amazon rather than keywords currently.
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    XF 2.2 Any widget show after an HTML widget

    Hello, when I want to put any widget after an HTML widget (with Youtube Shorts) in the right sidenav anothing happens. I have v2.2.3 Patch 1, not sure if it was fixed with last versions.
  7. S

    Not planned Editing type ressource

    Hi, Editing a resource does not allow you to change the type.
  8. S

    Lack of interest Prevent download message

    Hi, Prevent the download of a file if the size is exceeded. Currently it is when the download is finished that the message indicates that the file is too big, it should be done before downloading.
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    XF 2.2 Prefix sort by default

    I already use it. The search forum does not allow to display article type mode with grid responsive. Looking at the spoilers, I created a search forum for items for sale and for search items. Below I have the sample article forum with preview but I have all the discussions with sold, for sale...
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    XF 2.2 Prefix sort by default

    Hello, when opening a forum can you assign a default prefix instead of "any" ? For example when I go to a fruit forum, with apple and banana threads, I have 2 prefix (Apple and banana), currently it shows me apples and bananas. If I want to display only apples, I have to go to filter, choose...
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    Day Night Switcher

    As the author does not answer I modified it to work with XF 2.2.1 I am not allowed to share it publicly.
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    Day Night Switcher

    Hello, I use your addon with 2.1.8 and it works fine. I would like to use it on 2.2 but the "Automatic Day Night Setting" checkbox does not appear in preferences. There is only this problem, I made a new installation is OK and the options and the permissions are available, only checkbox not...
  13. S

    XF 2.2 HR Tags

    Hello, When I want to put the same image with 2 layouts in the text, the 2nd image only displays the link when click on preview or validate the message.
  14. S

    XF 2.2 share orphan

  15. S

    XF 2.2 Article thread cover image

    Awesome :D Thanks Xenforo Team !!!
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