Recent content by shock

  1. S

    XF 1.5 How to access template files?

    I know that the templates are stored in the database, and I know that I can access them using a tool that supports webDAV, but it seems like there is no easy way or any way at all to make it work as smoothly as it should(at least with my experience with it)... I would like to know what tools...
  2. S

    XF 1.3 Getting the post's author's avatar.

    No, its a clean installation. My intention is to put the avatar beside the title within a thread, no in the thread list. The specific part in template: <!-- h1 title, description --> <div class="titleBar"> {xen:raw $beforeH1}...
  3. S

    XF 1.3 Getting the post's author's avatar.

    Beside every thread title, that it's contained within "PAGE_CONTAINER" template.
  4. S

    XF 1.3 Getting the post's author's avatar.

    Im trying to put the avatar of the author of a post beside the title, and i would like to know how could i make it work. i tried to use this line: <xen:avatar user="$user" size="m" img="true" /> but the variable "$user" doesn't hold any user... i would like to have some help with it :)
  5. S

    XF 1.3 Using the likes_summary temp within Conversation_message temp

    Right now I don't have access to my computer but it's the unmodified code of the "page" template. The template is called just "page"
  6. S

    XF 1.3 Using the likes_summary temp within Conversation_message temp

    Ok, i've made a mistake i neet to put the likes list right before the publicControls class within the "post" template, but it doesn't work... any ideas?
  7. S

    XF 1.3 Using the likes_summary temp within Conversation_message temp

    do you have an idea of where is .publicControls on a thread?
  8. S

    XF 1.3 Using the likes_summary temp within Conversation_message temp

    How can i make this line work on the "conversation_message" template? <div id="likes-{$messageId}"><xen:if is="{$message.likes}"><xen:include template="likes_summary" /></xen:if></div> I need it to work because i want to put the likes list inline with the buttons (right before .publicControls).
  9. S

    condition to confirm that the user is in the forum page

    i m trying to add a a class to the html tag if the user in in the forums page, can someone please tell me which condition should i use? thanks ahead!
  10. S

    Implemented Default permissions for specific forum moderators.

    i have 53 forums, and i have at last one moderator for each of them, and i will have alot more forums in the future. set this kind of permissions to groups will save me(and others) alot of time.
  11. S

    Implemented Default permissions for specific forum moderators.

    I think it would be great if you can make permission gorups for moderators that manage a specific forum. for example when you crate a new group you can change the moderator permissions of the forums that the user is moderating instead of all the forums in the board.
  12. S

    problem with moderators and their permissions

    so why does "supermoderator" exist? its like a normal moderator, no?
  13. S

    problem with moderators and their permissions

    so i need to set individual permissions to every moderator for every forum? all the permissions are the same. i cant use a set of permissions to all moderators but only to the forums that they are responsible for?
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