Recent content by Sej

  1. Sej

    Modifications to templates and phrases not showing in Admin CP

    Just to follow up on issue, it went away after upgrading to XF 1.1. So all is good! I've now also left the previous host, and moved to Vidahost. Have to say the experience has been great so far, recommended.
  2. Sej

    Modifications to templates and phrases not showing in Admin CP

    Thanks Mike. I'm going to do a little more investigation myself (it helps me to understand the way it all works anyway) but if I'm still baffled after that I'll raise a ticket, cheers.
  3. Sej

    Modifications to templates and phrases not showing in Admin CP

    It says there are no outdated templates. I can see my template changes in the xf_template table in the database (for example I can see the styles I've added to EXTRA.css), but the Admin CP doesn't show any of these changes. Maybe I'm missing something? :confused:
  4. Sej

    Modifications to templates and phrases not showing in Admin CP

    Due to my fabulous hosts and their draconian DB size limits (123Reg - don't ever go there), I recently had to abandon my live XF DB as my permissions had been revoked. I created a new one and duplicated the data across, then pointed XF's config.php to the new DB. Everything works fine, but...
  5. Sej

    Changes to sidebar / sidebar options

    Ok, thanks. After some searching around I found this suggestion, which I think is in fact what Forsaken and myself are asking for:
  6. Sej

    Changes to sidebar / sidebar options

    @Shelley, it seems like what you want is a way to toggle the sidebar on/off, for the sake of saving real estate or de-cluttering the page, but what Forsaken is asking for (and I could use too) is the ability to have the sidebar visible on all pages, with some rules around what elements are shown...
  7. Sej

    Changes to sidebar / sidebar options

    Hi Forsaken. Have you got anywhere with making this an add-on? I'm going to have to do a similar thing myself! All I'd really like to do is make it a permanent fixture on all pages, the individual control can come in time.
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