Recent content by securedme

  1. securedme

    XF 2.2 Only allows a user posted in the node to view the content of the node, how?

    For a specific forum/node which only users who have stuff listed can see listing of other people. It's a kind of fair contribution purpose.
  2. securedme

    XF 2.2 Only allows a user posted in the node to view the content of the node, how?

    I just tried the promotion with the following criteria: It kind of works but not perfect.
  3. securedme

    XF 2.2 Only allows a user posted in the node to view the content of the node, how?

    How can achieve the following: They can see the thread content once they've created a thread in the forum/node.
  4. securedme

    XF 2.2 Only allows a user posted in the node to view the content of the node, how?

    Yes. Or maybe once a user has created a post in that forum/node, he'll be promoted to a certain user group, and the forum/node is only viewable by members of such user group.
  5. securedme

    XF 2.2 Only allows a user posted in the node to view the content of the node, how?

    So if the user haven't yet posted in the node, he can only see the thread list but not the content of the threads. Is it possible? Thanks.
  6. securedme

    Add-on any add-on for dating? people matching?

    It would be interesting to have it in one of my forums.
  7. securedme

    [OzzModz] Auto Thread Thumbnail [Deleted]

    It works beautifully for my live server for months.
  8. securedme

    Font Awesome Manager

    Thank you!
  9. securedme

    XF 2.2 iOS pwa installation flow

    Which style property? Where can I find it?
  10. securedme

    Social Groups (XenForo 2.x.x) [Paid]

    It's a bug.
  11. securedme

    How to duplicate a live site to use as a test site

    How does this method compare with making a snapshot of live production and have the snapshot restored to another VPS bearing a different domain name and making this domain hidden behind the firewall?
  12. securedme

    [DigitalPoint] PWA

    It turned out to be caching problem of Chrome browser...
  13. securedme

    [DigitalPoint] PWA

    It shows successful. But after a few day I still cannot see the install app button/pop-up on desktop/mobile.
  14. securedme

    XF 2.2 Add custom CSS icon AFTER or BEFORE a username depending on usergroup?

    I have already custom the username style (color of username) with different usergroups. Now I would like to add an icon before or after a username according to some usergroups that the user belongs to. And that won't interfere with the custom style made above. I found...
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