Recent content by sanalisci

  1. S

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Hi, where is demo live link to see ?
  2. S

    XF 2.2 Ads Permissions

    thank you, you master i realy forgot that :)
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    XF 2.2 Ads Permissions

    Hello, i try to show ads from the advertisement menu, I choose the header part but noting shows, is there any more place to give permission? i use theme house ui theme, i couldn't get an answer from them still. Does such kind of theme have a specific place to give permission for ads? if there...
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    iO [Paid]

    Ok, when you New buyer you are excited and want to see it all nicely working... Hope you also create a simple ticket system where we can follow our question and ticket number plus status.
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    iO [Paid]

    I open two days ago but still no answer which is sad... i didnt think, it would take this long and slow.. there is issue problem but i can not ask or follow my ticket! seems not normal ticket system. I open 3 ticket but i dont know where they gone. If you asked me, i been working with many...
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    iO [Paid]

    i did all but i farward all question to your chat widget, plus i wrote you many message but i couldnt get answer from you! so if you help your clients, it would be good. tnx
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    VaultWiki [Paid]

    you order page dont work
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    iO [Paid]

    Hello how can i get support ? i already buy this theme ?
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    Class [Paid]

    Hello, i buy theme from you but seems you dont give support, i open 3 ticket and you dont answer, to whom i will talk and get support? do you have any normal ticket system? it send me always to live chat!
  10. S

    How can i translate manualy? but from code or is there a sample en file in order for me to creat my own language

    How can i translate manualy? but from code or is there a sample en file in order for me to creat my own language
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