Recent content by RPGX

  1. RPGX

    Xenforo for big board

    Hi all, Can you point me to some big boards (or better yet, do you run one and can you share your experience with me?) that are using Xenforo. My definition of 'big' here is 6 to 10 million posts. If you also happen to have hundreds of moderators of individual subforums like we do, I'd be...
  2. RPGX

    Questions about transfer from vBulletin 3.x

    I've read a bit about node permissions. Would that allow a moderator of a sub-forum, for example, to create threads and sub-sub-forums with user-based access? I.e. where only specified users could see particular threads and forums?
  3. RPGX

    Questions about transfer from vBulletin 3.x

    Another question: 12. With 5 million posts, what is the advanced search (elastic search) experience? From what I see in the support forum, we'd be looking at 3-5 GB of RAM dedicated just to power search. What kind of overall experience do people have with the 'regular' search vs. elastic...
  4. RPGX

    Questions about transfer from vBulletin 3.x

    Thanks! I see some nice looking sites there. I also like that there are 5M+ post sites that appear to be functioning well. It would be great to know what kind of setups and mods those folks are using to keep things running, if any. I guess I'll have to do some sleuthing.
  5. RPGX

    Questions about transfer from vBulletin 3.x

    I hope I didn't ask too many questions?
  6. RPGX

    Questions about transfer from vBulletin 3.x

    Currently we have a vBulletin 3.8.x board, and I am concerned that vB will stop creating security updates for that series. I don't like the idea of spending $200 on a license just for the possibility of a security update in the future (they cut you off if you don't have a current license), and...
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