Recent content by RoyalSkid

  1. R

    XF 2.0 Error log? Can someone help?

    Weird thing is, it still posts the reply, just gives me the error message...
  2. R

    XF 2.0 Error log? Can someone help?

    uhh.... I'll check into it. I've never had this issue previously on it.
  3. R

    XF 2.0 Error log? Can someone help?

    This is sent to me whenever I send a reply to someone's thread....? InvalidArgumentException: DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in selector >> body << in /home/mcgtaor1/public_html/src/vendor/pelago/emogrifier/Classes/Emogrifier.php on line 370 in...
  4. R

    XF 2.0 Addons not uploading/no option to install?

    Hey, so I have the latest version of XF and have no way or clue how to install my addons such as ******* Support Tickets, Ayush Paypal Donations and TaigaPro Shoutbox. I need these added, so should I downgrade my version? or is there a way to use them with 2.0?
  5. R

    XF 1.5 Style/Template showing blank page and not loading

    I am having this too, anyone got any help? Im running the newest version...
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