Recent content by Rick King

  1. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    So far this has been a great discussion. This is what I missed when Boonex/Dolphin fell apart and crumbled into hell. I have a great deal to do, have to plan for the following with the setup: 1. Design and setup our dev structure - Xenforo as the backbone. Wordpress will handle publishing...
  2. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    So far - simply the cooperation I am getting from this community is enough to sell me. You have all sold me on this as our next platform. I will keep things simple/concise if I have questions as we move forward. It will likely be in a couple weeks once we have shifted to our new server. I...
  3. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Yes - above to the IRC on my own server - that is my goal. Also working on my own conferencing software to allow my team to conduct training sessions for financial investors. Also - some random questions that are popping out at me: - Setting up new pages/navigation seems to be less simple...
  4. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Boonex Dolphin - any version - was good in the beginning. The execution was poor and too many developers touched the backbone code. It is falling apart at the seams lately. I am ditching it on all of my sites. It has so many glitches I cannot describe them all on a page, much less dozens of...
  5. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Well if they do things right I think they'll be around a while. Great work so far from what I see.
  6. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Ok - have a single question up front as I dig into this: Rather than use a 3rd party IRC server, can't I just set up my own and run from that? If so, what IRC platform would I need to point it to. I'm currently using RMS.
  7. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Ok now that is pretty smooth chat. I wonder if there is a video chat version of that..... time to dig in a bit.... but this looks good either way............ Rick
  8. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I thought this might take a few days longer, but I'm moving along fast. I think if we nail down the chat we are sold. I am going to start digging into a few of those links you provided above and then start charting out directory structure. As with all things...
  9. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    It sounds like your experiences might help me shape my own direction a great deal. Would appreciate if I could look at how you have things setup (if you could send me a message - I will take a glance). Thanks for the great feedback so far from all of you.
  10. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    Right now - there are a few things I need to tackle if we will migrate to Xenforo. The forum system is very smooth and stable, and since there is a wordpress bridge already, next step is tackling chat. I'm digging around right now looking for a good way to handle that if we shift. So far...
  11. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    I just found the WP integration, so that gives me a huge advantage going ahead. Thanks for the quick reply - it appears this forum is more alive than I anticipated, the developers and members here are very helpful so far.
  12. Rick King

    My Saga and What I Would Need Xenforo To Achieve

    All, Going to lay things out for you. I am considering Xenforo for my business/website. I have tried a ton of things over the years. The latest monstrosity was an attempt to combine the best of Wordpress, PHPBB3, and Boonex Dolphin 7 ( ) That website is...
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