Recent content by rgourley

  1. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I completely uninstalled the old version, dropped the tables and did a clean install. But now, I get nothing at the portal page: I have the blocks setup and permission correct, I think. Am I missing something on why nothing is showing in the portal?
  2. rgourley

    XF 1.1 Cannot Delete Add-Ons

    how did you fix this?
  3. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Ideally, the portal page (which is the homepage) and let the forum page take the board title from the xenforo preferences.
  4. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Thanks, but I was hoping to edit the actual <title> tag. Right now the portal takes the default title tag from the board and so you have both the homepage (portal) and forum page with the exact same title tag. I'm hoping to be able to change those.
  5. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    Anybody know which template controls the page title? I have my portal set as the index page and want the title to be different than /forum page title. Right now, they are both using the title from the basic board information, but they should be different.
  6. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I love xenporta, but right now my portal page and forums page have the same title. That's not great for SEO, is there a way to change it? Seems like both are pulling in the board title.
  7. rgourley

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    How do you change the width of the columns?
  8. rgourley

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Any way to add a list of the forums as a module under the latest threads? I know I could manually add links to all the forums, but it would be great to have a module that listed the forums automatically (and maybe the last poster, etc)
  9. rgourley

    Add-on Registry / Garage

    Followed this thread and waiting to hear the status as well.
  10. rgourley

    How to fit a 728x90 ad above nav bar

    Take a look at my site (in sig), is that what you are looking to do?
  11. rgourley

    SSL cert providers

    I've purchased a couple of SSL certs from Godaddy, work fine and they are about $12 I think.
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