Recent content by Rdimaggio

  1. Rdimaggio

    Add-on Mailchimp Integration

    any luck with this?
  2. Rdimaggio

    [OzzModz] User Signature List

    oh lord, my bad. lol thanks!
  3. Rdimaggio

    [OzzModz] User Signature List

    I installed this add-on, but I see nowhere to run the report?
  4. Rdimaggio

    SparkPost Mail Transport

    Any updates to this add-on? I am getting this error: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Email to from failed: Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"errors":[{"message":"Unconfigured...
  5. Rdimaggio

    Fixed "twitter" BbCodeMediaSite missing in match_urls

    I will assume this really is a bot, because I believe Twitter is one of the largest social media sites online, and they changed to quite some time ago.
  6. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    I assumed that an update would be released quickly and this fix would be included.
  7. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    well, I guess we wait for a software update.
  8. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    This did not work for me, I created a new site called X and I tried with twitter enabled and disabled, nothing shows up.
  9. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    no clue what you mean. lol
  10. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    I am not on PHP 8 yet, so cannot use that plugin.
  11. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Twitter?

    Is there a way to make the Twitter links embed into posts as they used to after the stupid change to
  12. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Merge two boards?

    I think you answered my question.
  13. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Merge two boards?

    Thank you, but its more complicated. The boards are pretty big and almost identical in the type of content.
  14. Rdimaggio

    XF 2.2 Merge two boards?

    Is this possible to merge two XenForo boards into one?
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