Recent content by RBM

  1. R

    XF 2.2 Stuck in redirection loop from database

    Thanks Brogan, I was able to fix the issue using /install.
  2. R

    XF 2.2 Stuck in redirection loop from database

    The Xenforo Admin server error log shows no errors (it did show errors when adding the config written above, warning about the listener for addons, after I went back to the fresh database). The only server error logs showing on the server itself were for when I added an /images/ directory to the...
  3. R

    XF 2.2 Stuck in redirection loop from database

    Unfortunately, the config didn't change the server error when using the old database. Perhaps it might be better to import specific tables into the new database to get the data back. Are you aware of any documentation on which tables would need to be imported for the threads and posts?
  4. R

    XF 2.2 Stuck in redirection loop from database

    I moved my forum from a subdirectory like to a subdomain like I also added a redirect in my .htaccess file to point the old forum to the new forum for SEO. But the old database is redirecting my forum back to the subdirectory. I also can't...
  5. R

    XF 2.1 Buttons for overlays not working in the ACP

    Wellinhouse, did you solve your issue? I'm having the same issue.
  6. R

    XF 2.2 Show Thread Reply Count on external site on same server

    Thanks Mike, I'll stick with the API then.
  7. R

    XF 2.2 Show Thread Reply Count on external site on same server

    I have a Xenforo site and a WordPress site install on a single server. I want to add a live reply count of a specific Xenforo thread to a page on the WordPress site. Is there a way to do this without using the RestAPI, as that seems like it would be overkill?
  8. R

    XF 2.2 Show Thread Reply Count on External Site on Same Server

    I have a Xenforo site and WordPress site install on a single server. I want to add the live reply count of a specific Xenforo thread to a page on the WordPress site. Is there a way to do this without using the RestAPI, as that seems like it would be overkill.
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