Recent content by Razasharp

  1. Razasharp

    My first XF forum!

    No, the main site is built with Ruby on Rails.
  2. Razasharp

    My first XF forum!

    Thanks babes! :D Thanks Veer! Thanks OH. We moved our breed specific profiles and threads (and members) into the site from my other site, then emailed all our members to let them know they could log-in with their existing username and password :)
  3. Razasharp

    My first XF forum!

    Finally got my first XF forum up (link in sig). My members really like XF, and I am planning another XF forum soon :D I am especially keen to hear your thoughts on SEO and related improvements and suggestions if you have any. Big thanks to plug-in authors and everyone who has helped me with...
  4. Razasharp

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Sorry just noticed this. You put it into the template that you are using to display threads - I use: wf_widget_threads_thread_full_info
  5. Razasharp

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Awesome thanks! Btw, you can copy and paste the forum origin from the 'full' template... and it works perfectly :D
  6. Razasharp

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Really cool plug-in - thanks @xfrocks! Does anyone know whether it's possible to show the forum name (and possibly the prefix too) in the latest threads widget please?
  7. Razasharp

    Why a Discourse thread might almost always rank higher than a XF one

    Great points there Alfa. I agree that the main thing we have to do when thinking about seo, is consider what Google wants out of our sites, or rather, what people want when they come to our sites from a search. Essentially, 99% of the time, that boils down to them not wanting to spend ages...
  8. Razasharp

    Why a Discourse thread might almost always rank higher than a XF one

    I think it summarises a thread based on posts that have likes and replies. Ideally it would be like SO where (perhaps in certain forums) users could select their best answer, and also it could display the most liked post. Discourse probably won't do that because it will hurt their stack exchange...
  9. Razasharp

    Why a Discourse thread might almost always rank higher than a XF one

    Hey Peter - long time no speak :p If you look at that Discourse thread, it's not just about answers - it includes a lot of the useful info there, such as links (and even how many clicks links are getting), and allows you to get the 'best' posts or a summary of the thread (which I think they...
  10. Razasharp

    Why a Discourse thread might almost always rank higher than a XF one

    We had a really interesting discussion on Xenadmins last week - about forums falling out of favour with Google. There were some great points made in the thread, and particularly from forum seo expert Adam H, with which I agreed: And Discourse is doing the same for forums - have a look here...
  11. Razasharp

    Examples of XF, beyond XF

    You've done a great job there :-) What's next for DP? I'd love to see a custom design or tailored front end..
  12. Razasharp

    Examples of XF, beyond XF

    Unread Post Count (by Chris D - only know as I've just popped on here to find it!) Who's viewed this thread (tho can see potential downside to this too, but it's still neat) Notification/alert amount in title (so leaving the forum open in a tab auto updates) There's a few that I don't think I...
  13. Razasharp

    Photography forum recommendations

    My photography forum used to be pretty busy, but it's going to be replaced by a custom site... when I get round to it. The funny thing is I thought running a photography community would be fairly easy, but it proved to be the most challenging - it's very difficult for people to take (and...
  14. Razasharp

    Examples of XF, beyond XF

    Thought it might be an idea to have a thread about XF forums going beyond the core product - whether through design or being extended functionally. Personally I have been very impressed with - I think it is a great example of what you can do with add-ons, and although I...
  15. Razasharp

    Restful Interface Integration?

    I'd like to see more info about what's coming too - not only will it be useful for us but it will be useful for KAM getting early feedback. Knowing where you are and where the software is going is one of the best things about open source projects like Rails - pretty much everything is public...
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