Recent content by RandomForums

  1. RandomForums

    XF 2.0 Filters menu in sidebar

    I don't know if this was the right place to post this but I am trying to put the filters menu by copying the code for it and pasting it into an HTML widget on the sidebar. It works great, but after a while, it gives a security error. I tried changing the csrf to: <input type="hidden"...
  2. RandomForums

    XF 2.0 Change Wording

    Hi, on my site it is kind of confusing having a register button since there is a registration page to do with something completely different. Is it possible to change the Login and Register buttons to Login and Sign Up? Can I also hide the register button on desktop and mobile. So you have to...
  3. RandomForums

    XF 2.0 Multiple forums on one site

    I posted awhile ago about separating forums into tabs, i was recommended to use the create pages for categories feature. While this works to some extent it does not fulfill what I'm looking for. I found a post awhile ago which does not work now considering the addons are no longer maintained...
  4. RandomForums

    Add-on Nodes As Tabs XenForo 2

    Yes!!! This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot!
  5. RandomForums

    Add-on Nodes As Tabs XenForo 2

    Hmm, I've never used XF1. I might have gotten confused on what the addon did? What I would like to accomplish to have separate tabs for different topics, and in those topics would only show nodes relating to that topic. Instead of having all the categories on the same Forums page. Sorry for any...
  6. RandomForums

    Add-on Nodes As Tabs XenForo 2

    I've recently purchased XenForo. I looked around and I didn't seem to find anything like the Nodes As Tabs add-on but for XF2?
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