Recent content by Ragister

  1. R

    XF 2.2 Add Filter bar & Forum Box

    Hello, I have two questions, maybe you can help me :) 1. How do you get this cool bar like in this forum, see picture: 2. I saw that you can also create such stylish large boxes for the tabs in the forum. Is there a setting from Xenforo? I got the theme from Themehouse (BLOK) thank you...
  2. R

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    One question, what could be the reason for the seller's payment data in the seller dashboard not being able to expand the "Mollie" tab, or does this have to be set somewhere else? Thanks in advance for the help :)
  3. R

    XF 2.2 Registration of users no longer possible after update

    Can be deleted. The error was due to an add-on and the database 😅
  4. R

    XF 2.2 Registration of users no longer possible after update

    Good day, after updating from 2.1.7 to 2.2 we have a problem with the registry. The following message is displayed when trying to register. I would be very thankful for help.. INSERT INTO xf_user_option (content_show_signature, show_dob_year, show_dob_date, receive_admin_email...
  5. R

    Ultimate Server Listing [Paid]

    Sieht nicht schlecht aus. Schau es mir auch an. Tipp: Wenn Sie ein Abstimmungssystem einsetzen, würde ich mir sicher mehr davon kaufen. Darauf warte ich zum Beispiel. Ein Abstimmungssystem, das nach einer bestimmten Zeit zurückgesetzt werden kann, würde sicherlich mehr kaufen. Die Stimmen...
  6. R

    XF 2.1 Sitemap problem

    so the sitemap.php daei is by default in the html/internal_data/sitemaps/ folder. With me it was html/ folder I've copied them now. Should the sitemap work afterwards and how can I check that?
  7. R

    XF 2.1 Sitemap problem

    Hey, would like to clarify my problem with the sitemap.php. What can it be that it doesn't work? thank you for your help :)
  8. R

    XF 2.1 Sitemap ? No Sitemap Help?

    Hey, would like to clarify my problem with the sitemap.php. What can it be that it doesn't work?
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