Recent content by racademy

  1. racademy

    Additional language for [code=...] bbcode

    I can't for the life of me get this to work? Checked bunch of times so I'm sure I've done it correctly. Could it be just doesn't work in Xenforo anymore? Just to update - I thought I wasn't able to get the plugin to work, but I just figured out it's working, it's just the prism highlighting for...
  2. racademy

    Plugin to Add Programming Language and Enhance Text Editor

    Hi all, Brand new XenForo license owner, and am looking to pay a developer to help add a programming language to XenForo's code feature, and also style it to make it nicer. There's a user guide I was directed to here...
  3. racademy

    Adding Programming Languages to Code Snippet

    Is there any way in Xenforo (or maybe from a custom plugin) to add programming languages that aren't currently available to the "Insert Code" option in the WYSIWYG editor? In addition, is there a way to customize the languages that are available to be selected? (So instead of having C, Java...
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