Recent content by Quangvinhvnz

  1. Q

    XF 2.1 Unable to register when block international IP

    i see, thanks for your comment. I wonder why when i unblocking international IPs, then account registration function of the website works normally? Does xenforo is tracking the registration process? Or my server has mistake ! My server used centos 7, Directadmin
  2. Q

    XF 2.1 Unable to register when block international IP

    Hello Xenforo team My website is under attacked ddos so I proceeded to block all IPs from international. But after implementing this method, the domestic user fails to register or the registration page does not transfer to the registration notice page. (eg :/register/complete) After I...
  3. Q

    XF 1.5 403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /account/ on this server. (

    Thanks for your support But my server do not install mod security/ another reason?
  4. Q

    XF 1.5 403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /account/ on this server. (

    Hello everybody I have problem . when i access the url https://mydomain/account I have error "403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /account/ on this server." I was cmod 777 or 775 directory "accounts" on hosting. But it's still buggy. Check logs [Tue Jul 31 16:28:55.674778...
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