Recent content by Ptr

  1. Ptr

    vBulletin 3.8 Zoints SEO Rewrite Rules Nginx

    I couldn't locate any example of how to redirect friendly URLs managed by the Zoints SEO plugin for vBulletin so came up with my own configuration. I use Nginx so my location block looks like this: #rewrite thread requests rewrite t([0-9]+)\.html.* /threads/$1 permanent; #rewrite...
  2. Ptr

    Templates as files in development environment?

    Is there any recommended route to achieve the editing of templates in a code editor? Don't get me wrong, the Admin CP code editor is nice for quick edits but for any serious undertaking it really hampers productivity. I see in one of Kier's videos he has templates open in Dreamweaver and I...
  3. Ptr

    Scratchpad - Demonstration AJAX Add-on

    Thanks, it is great to have code examples. I believe there is an error in the comment on line 81 of /ControllerPublic/Index.php 81 // return a View (Scratchpad_ViewPublic_Index) using template 'scratchpad_index' 82 return $this->responseView( 83...
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