Recent content by Pseudonym

  1. P

    XF 2.2 Inserting pre XF 2.2 MP3 attachments?

    Thanks for the heads up. I think it's better I keep the existing attachments metadata as some are almost 20 years old. It's not a huge inconvenience; the main reason I was going to alter the old posts was to automatically account for any URL changes in future and there are other ways I can get...
  2. P

    XF 2.2 Inserting pre XF 2.2 MP3 attachments?

    I understand. There isn't a way to manually move the existing ones to the filesystem is there? At least I'm not aware of a way.
  3. P

    XF 2.2 Inserting pre XF 2.2 MP3 attachments?

    Yes, any new MP3 attachments I add after upgrading to 2.2 work as expected. But attachments prior to the upgrade do not exhibit the same behaviour.
  4. P

    XF 2.2 Inserting pre XF 2.2 MP3 attachments?

    No, so far I've only tried it in the original post.
  5. P

    XF 2.2 Inserting pre XF 2.2 MP3 attachments?

    I have a number of mp3 attachments added prior to XF 2.2. I use an MP3 BB code to render them as playable within the post but with the arrival of audio support in 2.2 I thought I would convert the previous entries so everything is uniform. But when I add the attachments manually using the...
  6. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    Oh right, I understand. I guess maybe something within the ACP prompt that prevents clicking through unless the files are present. The prompt can't be controlled by the files I deleted as I saw it. Not that I would make the same mistake again, it might just prevent someone else coming here with...
  7. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    I had a chance to take a closer look today. You were indeed correct in that I had deleted the install directory. I uploaded the entire package manually and the upgrade went without a hitch. I'm assuming then that there is no risk inherent in not deleting the install directory? Perhaps the...
  8. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    No protection or permissions on the directory. I'm mobile at the moment so I can't check the contents of the download right now. My last few upgrades were done automatically through the ACP without issue, but I don't recall removing the directory. It may be possible that I have done so; I...
  9. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    I did repeat the process with the same results. I will try it again on another of my sites.
  10. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    Thanks for the information. I was aware that I could do that, but as I didn't see any threads here regarding this issue I assumed it was a bug. Although on reflection I guess it's not a problem with my local install of XF itself but rather what is getting served from the XF server.
  11. P

    XF 2.2 Missing files when using ACP Upgrade

    I fired up the ACP 'auto upgrade' on one of my sites which is pretty much a stock install. It seems that when it downloads the package, 3 files are missing. I get a 404 error when at the next stage in the process when it's looking for https://site.url/install/oc-upgrader.php. My ACP reports 3...
  12. P

    XF 2.2 Forum and thread types

    To have the overall XFMG or individual nodes from it feed into a 'forum' on the forum list, à la "Search Forums" would be a great future feature.
  13. P

    [TH] Shorter Routes [Deleted]

    When using vBulletin I used vBSEO to alter my URL structure and it seemed to reap benefits for me in terms of result ranking, at least on obscure search terms. url.ext/forum-name url.ext/thread-id/thread-name I thought I had researched my choice of XF pretty well but I didn't research Route...
  14. P

    Link Checker for XenForo 2.x by AddonsLab [Paid]

    Hi there. I signed up for the 7 day trial of the product on your website but the download that is provided to me is not Link Checker but an add-on for the Resource Manager. I filed a support ticket but I have not received a response.
  15. P

    XF 2.1 SMTP code 550 error regarding Gmail when I don't use Gmail

    OK I actually figured it out. It was a setting I had enabled. It was my own host limiting the use of the service as an anti spam measure. I was logged into an account that was registered to a Gmail address and I had the following setting enabled. I knew my host had no 'restrictions' but I...
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