Recent content by Pol57

  1. P

    s9e Media Sites

    This is probably a noob question, but I'm trying to create a new tag that will just turn youtube links into the thumbnail image when it's wrapped in the youtubethumb tag. I've turned on regex matching and using the same match URL as the normal youtube one but it's coming out blank. Have I set...
  2. P

    XF 2.2 Is a part text replacement possible in custom BB code simple replacement?

    Basically I want a custom BB code to turn a youtube URL into an image of the thumbnail convert: into: Is this possible with custom BB code with a simple replacement or do I need to use a PHP callback?
  3. P

    Best way/service to gather data on an individual user?

    If you have a user causing problems is there a good way to gather as much detail as possible? Like logged in facebook or google names? Currently using an if user_id = in the header for a custom google analytics but is there something to use to get more data? Thank you
  4. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Healthline seem to only allow access to 10 special pages unless you accept all of their cookies and trackers. Does anyone know of a cookie consent generator like this that essentially doesn't allow access unless they are accepted?
  5. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Well google themselves for their own sites don't let you opt out of all cookies, they tell you to either accept them or use your browser to reject them. This is the stance I'd like to take :LOL:
  6. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Actually after being live for a full day I think I might have over worried about how many were saying no. With a bounce rate of 16% the amount of people saying no is only 5%. So about the same -4% loss some say from showing non personalised ads. Although some users on reddit are saying after...
  7. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    I don't understand why its not legally possible to say accept the cookies or leave the site, but saying accept the cookies or pay to use the site is?
  8. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Interesting! So it might be better to just opt out of personalized ads all together in the EU not ask for consent and take the 4% hit rather than take the 30-40% hit of no ads from people that don't consent? What does confuse me is there's two levels for basic ads? The legitimate interest ones...
  9. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Thanks, is there any easy to implement cookie consent that allows for either accept them or don't use the site?
  10. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    I thought it was still supposed to show ads if you've opted out of personalization? Just less relevant ones. If you opt out of youtube personalised ads you still see ads that are targetted - but they just aren't targetted at that one user but anyone watching that video and what they're likey to...
  11. P

    TCF 2.0 EU consent for personalised ads and the impact on revenue

    Now I've upgraded to a modal that's TCF 2.0 compliant (quantcast choice) it seems people can click "more option" then "reject" and then no ads are shown? This is testing in a private tab, maybe it's different if you browse normally? If it's allowed (?); Is there a way to force people that have...
  12. P

    XF 2.1 Undo a merge thread? After updating the post's thread id's on dbto undo a merge, what next?

    Thanks Is there an easy way to revert two long threads that have been merged? It's hundreds of posts and will take hours to do unfortunately
  13. P

    XF 2.1 Undo a merge thread? After updating the post's thread id's on dbto undo a merge, what next?

    Hi, I need to undo a merge. I've updated the posts to have the correct thread id in the DB. What should I do next to fix the post positions and all that so they show? thanks
  14. P

    XF 2.1 Tag page only showing 10 pages

    All working now with search results increased, I guess the results for the tag were cached and takes a while to actually be updated?
  15. P

    As designed Tag search results limited to 200 results

    Ignore me, It worked after 15 minutes. Maybe this getTagResultCache caused the delay?
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