Recent content by Pokornost

  1. Pokornost

    External Accounts Extended

    Oh, I thought it's supposed to import profile image from Google+... What about Odnoklassniki? Anyone had any success with the service? Couldn't figure that one as well. Maybe I filled the "App link" field wrong. What do I need to put there?
  2. Pokornost

    External Accounts Extended

    Hi. Having trouble with Google. No avatars... Any idea how to fix this? [Actually, I'm having trouble with some other services as well.]
  3. Pokornost

    External Accounts Extended

    Hi! Do you plan on adding Mail.Ru and Yandex (Moi Krug)? I think I'd be very glad to purchase this add-on if it supported these networks as well. Thanks.
  4. Pokornost

    ❄️ HOSTBLIZZARD.COM ❄️ Canadian XenForo Web Hosting ❄️ $2.69/mo ❄️ Cloud, Reseller and VPS Hosting!

    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate you taking the effort to respond. However, I'm not really sure I understand whether or not, your BLACK ICE plan is fit to be used as a p2p server, and what amounts of space/bandwidth are, let's say, "somewhat undesirable"? Could you be more specific in numbers...
  5. Pokornost

    ❄️ HOSTBLIZZARD.COM ❄️ Canadian XenForo Web Hosting ❄️ $2.69/mo ❄️ Cloud, Reseller and VPS Hosting!

    Hi! Interesting. But how much exactly is "Unlimited" (bandwidth)? Should I set up a public peer-to-peer server, and get over 10TB, where will the line be drawn? 20TB, 40TB, 100PB? "Unlimited" in exact meaning of the word, just doesn't sound credible. So, the questions are: Where is the limit...
  6. Pokornost

    Add-on [$200] URGENT! Lunar (Hijri) Calender Integration

    Hi! I need a working Hijri calender add-on for my forum. The date has to be alongside the Gregorian calender dates in every message, etc. Also, it has to be customizable from the Admin panel - an offset function is required, to be able to correct the dates, in case of an error. Screenshots of...
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