Recent content by Phil_TubeBuddy

  1. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    This is what we have set, and we still don't see the reactions on our list page. Could it be something with our forum style?
  2. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    Thank you! We made sure it was your selected, but they still don't show hmmm. Could it be something else?
  3. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    Still we don't see them on the posts? any idea what would be causing this :)
  4. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    We don't see highest ratings on post: What would you recommend? We have it enabled, but it's not there.
  5. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    We set those values, and nothing is showing up :/
  6. Phil_TubeBuddy

    UI.X 2

    Is there a way to see reactions on thread list? We can't seem to get it to work. Is this supported? Thank you! :D
  7. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.1 How do you remove prefixes from the latest post widget?

    It worked perfectly! Thank you @hemant_bhardwaj
  8. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.1 How do you remove prefixes from the latest post widget?

    We use prefixes on our forums, and we like them a lot! One place we don't want them is on our latest post widget? How would we remove them from here:
  9. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    How do set the value to true?
  10. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.1 Reactions 👍 😍 🤣 😲 🙁 😡

    Where do we go to set this up? :)
  11. Phil_TubeBuddy

    Content Ratings [Paid]

    How do you make the ratings show on the thread list? That's the only thing we're not 100% sure on! Thank you :)
  12. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.0 Code embed not working like it did in 1.x

    I figured it out! :D <div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channel="{$}" data-layout="full" data-count="default"></div> </xen:if> You forgot to data=channel to be data-channelid= This is what ended up working for us: <xf:if...
  13. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.1 User mentions not working

    We get quoted, reacted, and replied but not @ mentions. Everyone is having the issue. We do have alerts enabled for mentions selected! :-)
  14. Phil_TubeBuddy

    XF 2.1 User mentions not working

    Whenever someone @ mentions on our forums, it doesn't show up in our alert window. Is anyone else experiencing this?
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