Recent content by Pavan

  1. Pavan

    Stop New thread alerts while migrating

    Hi @Daniel Hood , Thanks for the answer. I have completed the import one week ago with active alerts :( Thank you for guidance. Let me try in next migration.
  2. Pavan

    Use Xenforo for support

    Hi All, We have xenforo installation with around 50000 users. What we are planning to do is implement a way for internal team to respond to user queries within some stipulated time( similar to SLA say 5 hours) . How can i achieve the same ? Regards, Pavan Patharde
  3. Pavan

    Stop New thread alerts while migrating

    Hi All, Please help me in solving this problem. I have around 6000 threads to be created and i am using XENAPI to do that. For each thread/post created an alert is created and it is annoying all moderators and admins. Is there any way to stop alerts for all users for some time ? Regards...
  4. Pavan

    Migration After Effects

    Hi All, I have created a custom script using . I have also used custom script which will change values of threads and posts to custom timestamp. e.g. For Threads 1 . UPDATE xf_thread SET post_date = $postdate,last_post_date = $postdate...
  5. Pavan

    XF 1.4 Trophy points not getting added

    @Jake Bunce Ok that means the trophy points get updated for users who were active in last 2 hours. How do i update trophy points for all existing users. Trophy points seems to be wrong . E.g. User has 8 Likes (40 points) yet those are not considered. 1. How do i manually update the trophy...
  6. Pavan

    XF 1.4 Trophy points not getting added

    Hi All It seems the trophy points are not getting updated. I have manually run the cron. It says successfull. Yet, I see points not getting updated. I have set trophy points of 5 on getting like on user post. can you guide me here ? Xenforo version: 1.4.1
  7. Pavan

    Create Users with Past Timestamp

    Hi Everyone, I am writing a script to import users . I would like to create users with register_date as from the past timestamp.I am using for creating users. Can any one guide me on how i can achieve this ? Also, would like to know how i can stop the alerts...
  8. Pavan

    Importing Users

    Hi Team, We have a internal tool in which around 50K users are registered using social login( Google only). There are threads(We call suggestions) created by these users. There are posts(we call Comments) on these threads. I am planning to do it via API( . First...
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