Recent content by Paridus

  1. Paridus

    XF 2.1 Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Container key 'db' was not found

    I wanted to upgrade the forum to the latest version and get the following error messages: Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Container key 'db' was not found in /home/www/dps3333/html/src/XF/Container.php:43 Stack trace: #0 /home/www/dps3333/html/src/XF/App.php(931)...
  2. Paridus

    [Liam W] (RIP) Member Self Delete

    leider funktioniert dass mit den Einstellungen nicht, egal was ich probiere es kommt immer zu dieser Fehlermeldung unfortunately it doesn't work with the settings, no matter what I try it always leads to this error message You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action. ???
  3. Paridus

    Weekly digest [Deleted]

    TypeError: Argument 1 passed to XF\Entity\CronEntry::verifyRunRules() must be of the type array, null given, called in /++++++/src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php on line 768 src/XF/Entity/CronEntry.php:78 #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(768): XF\Entity\CronEntry->verifyRunRules(NULL, 'run_rules'...
  4. Paridus

    [AddonsLab] Navigation Badge

    that works too Resource Manager and Media Gallery?
  5. Paridus

    XF 2.1 Emoji converting to utf8mb4 error

    I wanted to convert my database to utf8mb4 and get an error when running the script: php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4 /volume1/web/shm_x2$ php cmd.php xf:convert-utf8mb4 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_init() in /volume1/web/shm_x2/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php on line 152...
  6. Paridus

    Show us your pets

    My Cat 🐱
  7. Paridus

    Similar Threads Plus

    The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console. ?
  8. Paridus

    Inactive Members

    What about sending the testmail?
  9. Paridus

    Inactive Members error Entry in the usergoup is missing
  10. Paridus

    German translation for [AD] Donate by ThemeHouse

    Gibt es schon eine aktuellere Version? Wir sind schon bei 1.1.8
  11. Paridus

    Alter Ego Detector

    Error: Exception: Alter Ego Detector - Start PM is not properly configured when reporting ***** is an alter ego of ****** - library/LiamW/AlterEgoDetector/XenForo/Model/SpamPrevention.php:687 Generiert durch: ******, Heute um 08:07 Uhr Stapelverfolgung #0...
  12. Cat_face_glasses_thick_65455_1920x1080


  13. Paridus

    Exception: Cannot save file???

    Fehlermeldung des Servers Fehlerinformation Exception: Cannot save file /home/www/dps3333/html/internal_data/temp/xfmgXC8tDE - library/XenGallery/Helper/Image.php:1022 Generiert durch: Dexter, Vor 3 Minuten Stapelverfolgung #0 /home/www/dps3333/html/library/XenGallery/Model/File.php(83)...
  14. Paridus

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Is there no longer the setting? Unfortunately I could not find them.
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