Recent content by Ogreman

  1. O

    MG 1.1 New Media Page Error

    Thanks, just took a look at it in the control panel. Does not name the Media Gallery etc., but it appears to be a memory size error. Does that mean that there are so many videos that its not able to use the allowed amount of memory anymore?
  2. O

    MG 1.1 New Media Page Error

    Is there a reason for the New Media page to suddenly stop working? now shows a 500 error despite the rest of the plugin working fine. Also, is there a way to fix that error?
  3. O

    XF 1.5 Unable to Find Ad Locations in Admin

    Ok, finally found it in Ultimate Ads:). It was not in styles at all. He was using the advance options with CSS wrapped around it for the header ads, but there is an option to just turn off that ad for all skins:). Now all I have to do is figure out how to change the ad above content without...
  4. O

    XF 1.5 Unable to Find Ad Locations in Admin

    Will do:). Where do I look if I can't find it in the styles? I mean is there anywhere else it could have been placed in?
  5. O

    XF 1.5 Unable to Find Ad Locations in Admin

    Thanks for the link:). That does help some. However, been looking at all the templates and the below message one is the only one with a banner so far. I need to know where to find the banner above the New Media area. That should be Ad_Above_Content right? It's...
  6. O

    XF 1.5 Unable to Find Ad Locations in Admin

    How can I find the location of my ads on my forum if I did not place them in the first place? A former developer set it all up and has been gone for months. This weekend, I get an email from an advertiser stating that I need to change some of the ads due to how they appear on mobile devices...
  7. O

    [h] Roll Dice

    Thanks, still somewhat new to Xenforo after using Vbulletin for many years. BTW, is there a separate program called [h] Social Dice? I ask because it says the following: "It seems, that you have installed the Social Groups by Waindigo. You can install the [h] Social Dice, to roll Dice in the...
  8. O

    [h] Roll Dice

    Where is the import folder? I don't see where to import anything to get started. Also, I try to add dice to forum or start a new forum with dice and all I get is an error? Is this because I haven't imported anything yet?
  9. O

    XF 1.5 Upgrade to 1.5.2 Failed

    Thanks for the support. The upgrade has now completed:).
  10. O

    XF 1.5 Upgrade to 1.5.2 Failed

    Since I got the PHP and MySQL upgraded last week finally, thought I would upgrade the forum tonight. Got everything uploaded in the forum folder fine and then went to do the upgrade on the site when I got this almost immediately after it started on...
  11. O

    XF 1.4 Forum Down After PHP and MYSQL Upgrade

    My server support has become very trying recently as the forum is still down and I already told him to do what he suggests below: "The server does not have APC installed and it is not working with php 5.5 at this time. I'd advise in this situation downgrading back to php 5.4 to see if it...
  12. O

    XF 1.4 Forum Down After PHP and MYSQL Upgrade

    Trying my server support and XF support as well as this forum. You are actually the first response I have got. My developer said he can not see anything in the logs either. Could the answer be similar to...
  13. O

    XF 1.4 Forum Down After PHP and MYSQL Upgrade

    Just upgraded to the latest versions tonight and now all the forum shows is: Any idea how to get my forum back?
  14. O

    Default email notification

    I meant for all members at once. I have too many to do that individually. Recently had some issues with email and although this was not the exact reason for it, it certainly did not help. I know this because I starting getting all the emails that were being sent out for thread updates. It...
  15. O

    Default email notification

    Is there any chance for an update that allows for the complete turn off of thread update emails without going in the DB? Or is there a plugin that does this?
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