Recent content by Oblivion Knight

  1. Oblivion Knight

    Shadow [Paid]

    I'm not in any rush, but are you planning an update to 2.3.x for this? 🙂
  2. Oblivion Knight - Gaming forum

    Nice domain! As a previous user of the Rain theme, I preferred the theme animations to be off. I'd probably also recommend changing the node icons to crosshairs (this?) and adding a bit of gaming imagery - maybe using a slider when you add a bit more content. Finally maybe one or two other...
  3. Oblivion Knight

    This person loves giving away likes

    You guys get likes, I get called "disingenuous"..
  4. Oblivion Knight

    Why should I buy this?

    I beg your pardon? I strongly suggest that you re-do your research.
  5. Oblivion Knight

    Why should I buy this?

    I trust in the development team.
  6. Oblivion Knight

    [OzzModz] Post Areas

    This looks great Matt, thank you.
  7. Oblivion Knight

    Create a time-line in Xenforo

    I decided to swap our Wiki timeline to this code.. it's making life so much easier! :cool: Of course, I tinkered with it slightly but..
  8. Oblivion Knight

    Default Expand Media Categories

    I can try and look in to it. In the meantime, you could edit the template modification to something like this: <xf:if is="$xf.mobileDetect && !$xf.mobileDetect.isMobile() && in_array($category.category_id, [X,Y,Z])"> is-active<xf:else />{{ $isActive ? ' is-active' : '' }}</xf:if>Changing X Y Z...
  9. Oblivion Knight

    XF 2.3 XenForo 2.3 Beta 1 now available. What's next? What's new?

    You mean the days of "but when is 2.3 coming?" are nearly over?! 😊
  10. Oblivion Knight

    Idle Chatter | A General Discussion Community

    These are excellent, and I look forward to and/or hope for a public release.. If you hadn't commissioned them, I probably would have!
  11. Oblivion Knight

    Reddit’s !remindme for Xenforo

    Not quite the same thing, but..
  12. Oblivion Knight

    [DBTech] DragonByte WebP

    Thank you for sharing this as a free resource 🙂
  13. Oblivion Knight

    Idle Chatter | A General Discussion Community

    Hope you're feeling better soon, Gemma.
  14. Oblivion Knight


    Deal has expired, and is very unlikely to reoccur any time soon.
  15. Oblivion Knight

    Alert Improvements by Xon

    @KensonPlays Discord issue alert_user_chat_alert template is missing?
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