Recent content by Nocturne

  1. Nocturne

    XF 2.1 Collapse a Widget?

    Another wee bump just in case some kind soul has a suggestion how this can be done... would be VERY handy for me. :)
  2. Nocturne

    Collapsible Category

    Hello! This works great for all the categories on my forum, BUT I have the "Latest Posts" widget at the top of the forum and it's not being applied to that. Would it be possible to apply it so that the Latest Post category can be collapsed too? If so, can you tell me how?
  3. Nocturne

    XF 2.1 Changed Locked Threads Background Colour In Thread List

    Okay, thanks... In that case I am having a very hard time following it, as the line: {{ $thread.discussion_open ? '' : ' is-locked' }} doesn't seem to exist for me when doing a search. I've even searched parts of that line like simply "is-locked" and it's coming up blank, so I assumed something...
  4. Nocturne

    XF 2.1 Changed Locked Threads Background Colour In Thread List

    Hello! I have been trying to work out how to change the background colour of threads that have been locked when viewed in the forum list, and I just can't fathom it... I did a search here and found the following thread:
  5. Nocturne

    XF 2.1 Custom Code Block Formatting - How?

    Hello! I run a large programming forum and we're using Xenforo 2.1. The ability to format and colour code from different languages in posts is great, but I'd like to expand the available list to include other languages and correctly format them. However I can find no information on how this...
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