Recent content by NoahP

  1. NoahP

    Any Fanfiction add-ons?

    Hello, Sorry to dig up such an old topic but does anybody have any suggestions for a fanfiction addon? Looks like the last one suggested is dead now.
  2. NoahP

    XF 2.2 Question about User Promotions

    Nevermind, I was able to achieve this using this addon
  3. NoahP

    XF 2.2 Question about User Promotions

    Hello, Is there any way to automatically promote a user who has opened a thread IN A SPECIFIC FORUM? I ask because I have a "Stories" node and a "Published Author" group with a custom banner..... The group does not have any extra permissions but I want to award it automatically so that they...
  4. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Unable to add media to album

    I'm really wishing I had never bought XenForo now! I love the software but your support is horrible!
  5. NoahP

    XF 2.2 How to set a default timeone for users

    UPDATE: I made a custom cron job to update ALL users timezones to the one that I want. Im aware that this will override any changes made.... If needed I can simply run this once a minute.... This could get pretty service intensive though. So IF anyone can think of a less resource-heavy way Im...
  6. NoahP

    XF 2.2 How to set a default timeone for users

    Hello, So I have already been searching and know that it is not possible to set a "DEFAULT" timezone for user registrations.... But I need to do so anyway... so what core file do I need to modify? I have looked in XF/Service/User/Registration.php and can not find anything about the timezone...
  7. NoahP

    XF 2.2 XenForo connected account?

    Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to use XenForo as a connected account? So If I have two websites a user can use their account on Site A to create an account on Site B.
  8. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Unable to add media to album

    Hello, Is there any answers on this? @benFF confirms he is having the same problem..... I have noticed that while XenForo is a fabulous product.... support for the addons especially Media Gallery is nowhere near the level it could be.
  9. NoahP

    Billing Question?

    If I bought my XenForo license on January 1st and then on July 1st I added the Media Gallery plugin then how is billing handled for the support and upgrades? The original purchase comes with 12 months but so far as I can tell XenForo does not factor the date it was added when setting the price...
  10. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Unable to add media to album

    This also says Yes
  11. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Unable to add media to album

    Thats what I thought but this does not seem to work for me. Category Permission is set to yes: Group permission is set to yes: But still I see no option anywhere to do so
  12. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Any way to change default sorting in an album

    That did it! thanks so much!!
  13. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Unable to add media to album

    Hello, No matter what permissions are set the only person able to add media to an existing album is the owner.... not even administrators Is it supposed to be this way or am I missing something?
  14. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Any way to change default sorting in an album

    Thank you very much! I have another question then that would have me set perfectly. I see the function findMediaInCategory() is there a way to make it so that if the category ID = 1, 2, or 3 then it will also order by title the same way otherwise it will stick to the standard most-recent...
  15. NoahP

    MG 2.2 Any way to change default sorting in an album

    Hello, I am using this addon which allows me to achieve it manually but I want to make it so that in albums photos are ALWAYS AUTOMATICALLY sorted by Title is there any way to make this happen whether it be by an addon or...
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