Recent content by NikitOS

  1. NikitOS

    Fixed Missing and invalid phrases

    New hardcoded string in 2.3.0 Beta 4: Passkey login in admin:login_form.
  2. NikitOS

    Can't fix XF.Icon does not support "doutone" variant

    @Kirby, we are talking about duotone icons. Used icons can be styled as a whole, but duotone icons consist of two parts, and styles cannot be applied to them.
  3. NikitOS

    Styles in progress_bar.less do not match progress bar styles elsewhere

    Progress bars in polls and attachments do not have a border. I don't think it should be here either. Also, the border-radius value should be replaced with @xf-borderRadiusMedium, as done in the polls: it looks much nicer. And in polls and attachments the progress_bar macro should be used.
  4. NikitOS

    Fixed The <img> tag should not be displayed unless the OAuth client image URL is provided

    Since specifying the image URL is optional, it makes sense to check if the URL is provided and not display the broken image:
  5. NikitOS

    EMBED_CONTAINER and OAUTH_CONTAINER load unnecessary JavaScript

    Currently, EMBED_CONTAINER and OAUTH_CONTAINER call the public:helper_js_global::head macro. In addition, EMBED_CONTAINER also calls public:helper_js_global::body. The included JS is unnecessary and only causes errors. I think it’s better to move the inclusion of CSS out of the...
  6. NikitOS

    Fixed Token input sends requests for autocompletion even if acUrl is not specified

    As said in the title. Template: <div class="block"> <div class="block-container"> <div class="block-body"> <xf:tokeninputrow label="Tags" placeholder="Enter something…" /> </div> </div> </div>
  7. NikitOS

    Fixed Not rendering internal embed

    The XF\Repository\EmbedResolver::addEmbedsToContent method should use array_merge_recursive instead of array_merge to collect all embeds in posts.
  8. NikitOS

    Fixed Missing and invalid phrases

    The currency phrase is used in the public:xfrm_resource_edit_macros template, but it is also missing.
  9. NikitOS

    Fixed Missing and invalid phrases

    Hardcoded strings I found: Attachment optimization in admin:tools_rebuild Avatar optimization in admin:tools_rebuild Profile banner optimization in admin:tools_rebuild Embed code HTML copied to clipboard. in public:featured_content_item_thread, public:post_article_macros and...
  10. NikitOS

    Fixed Missing and invalid phrases

    Missing phrases: development (in admin:PAGE_CONTAINER) no_prompts_have_been_added_yet (in admin:base_prompt_list) xfi_default_language_character_set (in admin:import_config_macros) leave_direct_message_and_accept_future_responses (in admin:option_template_registrationWelcome and...
  11. NikitOS

    Can't fix XF.Icon does not support "doutone" variant

    The XF.Icon.getVariantClass and XF.Icon.normalizeIconVariant methods do not support "duotone" variant.
  12. NikitOS

    Duplicate XF.setupHtmlInsert has different behavior in XF 2.2 and XF 2.3.

    In XF 2.2, if a jQuery object is passed as the second argument (onReady) to the XF.setupHtmlInsert method, the innerHTML of the target was replaced with the outerHTML of the elements in the jQuery collection (via Node.appendChild). In XF 2.3, if an HTMLElement object is passed as the second...
  13. NikitOS

    XF 2.3 What's new for developers in XenForo 2.3?

    @Newsman, you need to bind the function that needs to be called as a callback. For example: XF.on(target, 'click', this.onClick.bind(this));
  14. NikitOS

    Fixed XF.Icon.getIcon does not support "brands" variant

    As said in the title. For example, XF.Icon.getIcon('brands', 'airbnb') returns the following: <i class="fa--xf far fa-airbnb"><svg xmlns="" role="img" aria-hidden="true" ><use href="/data/local/icons/regular.svg?v=1711360995#airbnb"></use></svg></i>
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