Recent content by Niiicu

  1. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    They changed yesterday, it seems ok now .
  2. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    Yes, but is not working
  3. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    Hello, I have Cloudfare now, but i also have the same problem. It seems that Cloudfare can't block this
  4. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    No, i don't have yet. I contacted the host and they told me to add my domain on Cloudfare and to activate Under-Attack Mode on Cloudfare and after to send them a new ticket.
  5. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    I don't know where i can check it because now my forum it's down. Service Unavailable The server is temporarily busy, try again later!
  6. N

    Too many bots on my forum

    Hello, Someone threatened me 10 minutes ago that if I don't pay him 100e in BTC, he will make my forum to fail 24/24 hours. I told him to go away, but I see that now the forum doesn't work anymore, the page practically doesn't load. I can see so many visitators, i think that's the problem. How...
  7. N

    [AP] Style Suite [Paid]

    @apathy - Hello, i am trying to buy this addon but i didn't received e-mail confirmation for my account. Can you fix it please? I have same username like here.
  8. N

    XF 2.2 Error while i was trying to install a addon

    Yes, i fixed with this line Thank you, Cris!
  9. N

    [Liam W.] Thread Solutions

    Thank you so much I fixed
  10. N

    XF 2.2 Error while i was trying to install a addon

    Yes, but it's any way to uninstall this addon if i can't acces my admincp?
  11. N

    [Liam W.] Thread Solutions

    Hello, I have a problem with this addon, i was trying to install it but now i can't acces my forum, not even my admincp to unistall this addon- i have this error. How can i fix it please? An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_WARNING] Declaration of...
  12. N

    XF 2.2 Error while i was trying to install a addon

    Hello, I just got this error while i was trying to install a addon and now i can't fix it. Not even my admincp working now. How can i fix this please? This is the addon - An exception occurred: [ErrorException] [E_WARNING]...
  13. N

    XF 2.2 Error after upgrade

    Hello, So, i was trying to install the new upgrade of xenforo by pressing the upgrade button in my admincp, but i have this errors now and everyithing it's blocked, How can i fix this? Thank you, An exception occurred: [Error] Call to undefined method XF\ComposerAutoload::checkPaths() in...
  14. N

    XF 2.2 Problem with icons after upgrade

    You right, i fixed the problem with that error. But i still have that problema with icons. Thanks
  15. N

    XF 2.2 Problem with icons after upgrade

    and now i have this errors InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'dwa' on XF:Node[128] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:203 #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(115): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->get('dwa') #1 internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s7/public/node_list_forum.php(99)...
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