Recent content by Nicholas Ward

  1. Nicholas Ward

    Thread Thumbnail by AddonsLab [Paid]

    After installing on Xenforo latest, it doesn't provide any options when creating a thread for selection of thumbnail. Any suggestions?
  2. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 How to create session on behalf of another IP address

    Ahh okay, fair enough man! I figured this out a while ago was gonna help out if you needed it.
  3. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 How to create session on behalf of another IP address

    You weren't able to create a session extending the login controller?
  4. Nicholas Ward

    [AH] Discord Widget

    Hey Matt, thanks again for the plugin. I was getting that error because I had developer mode enabled by the way!
  5. Nicholas Ward

    [AH] Discord Widget

    Hey man! Thanks for the quick reply. I changed the permissions to 755 and still get that error! Any other ideas? Thanks.
  6. Nicholas Ward

    [AH] Discord Widget

    Hey man! Thanks for the plugin. Quick question tho! When I try to edit the plugin options to add my server ID it gives me this error when attempting to save:
  7. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    In case people were curious, I ended up getting this to work. Here's how I did it: $tfaEnabled = $user->Option->use_tfa; if ($tfaEnabled) { $tfaRepository = $user->repository('XF:Tfa'); if ($tfaRepository->userRequiresTfa($user)) { $tfaTrustValue = $_POST['key']...
  8. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Include a PHP page into a page node

    Is there an easy way of doing this? I'm attempting to include an entire index I wrote in PHP (including some CSS and additional pages) into a page node but I'm guessing (because a simple require/include isn't working) that there's a tricky way of doing this. Thanks!
  9. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    Thanks man. I'll look into this as soon as I'm home.
  10. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    Hey, thanks for the reply man. How do I reference the plugin, though? XF::service('XF:User\Login'); is for the service... but I don't see anything referencing a plugin.
  11. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Authenticate user using XF database with java client/server program.

    <?php $ip = $_POST['ip']; $name = $_POST['name']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; $email = $_POST['email']; if (!isset($ip, $name, $pass)) { die(); } /** * Create the bridge to Xenforo **/ $fileDir = '../../'; require($fileDir . '/src/XF.php'); XF::start($fileDir); /** * Check if the username is...
  12. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    Bump - still can't figure out how to reference two-step validation on login through PHP. Any ideas guys?
  13. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    Hey man! Thanks for the reply. Nah, not trying to disable it. Attempting to integrate the checks into the script so that I can validate through the game client through java.
  14. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Two-step validation through PHP script

    I have everything else supported.. just can't figure out how to handle two-step for the life of me. I need to check if they have it active, then see if it's currently saved and if not, save it. Anybody have any ideas? <?php $ip = $_POST['ip']; $name = $_POST['name']; $pass = $_POST['pass']...
  15. Nicholas Ward

    XF 2.0 Registering a user if it's not used

    Figured it out! Thanks.
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