Recent content by nevamoen

  1. N

    MG 2.1 Missing member images after import from vBulletin4 Albums

    It turns out the issue was caused by having albums disabled, which causes the images in albums not to be displayed on the member's media gallery homepage.
  2. N

    XF 2.1 How to display server time in footer

    I am trying to display the current server time in the footer (the actual server time, not adjusted for the timezone of logged-in users). I added the following block to the PAGE_CONTAINER template: <div> <div class="p-footer-copyright">Server Time: {{ date('F...
  3. N

    MG 2.1 Missing member images after import from vBulletin4 Albums

    I recently moved my forum from vB4 + Albums + Photopost vBGallery to XF + XFMG. The import of the vBGallery data and images into XFMG seems to have worked flawlessly. The import of the vB4 Albums data into XFMG seems to have worked as well, however some images are missing for some members. I...
  4. N

    XF 2.1 Search posts by members of custom usergroup

    Thanks for the quick response. You say that usergroups are not exposed to the front end or search system, but users are. Is there a way to be able to share the search results page? It seems that XenForo by default only allows the user who initiated the search to view the search results page...
  5. N

    XF 2.1 Search posts by members of custom usergroup

    I have spent the last two hours searching Google for a way to search for posts by members of a particular usergroup, to no avail. Basically, I want to create a "Dev Posts" link in the navigation bar that will lead to a search results page that displays recent posts by members of the "Devs"...
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