Recent content by Neil1970

  1. N

    Adding another logo to header

    I want two different ones but would prefer to put the new one below the top breadcrumb if possible. How do i do that please?
  2. N

    Adding another logo to header

    Hi there, Where and how can I add another logo to my forum header to the right of the one I already have as highlighted in the screenshot? Or just below the nav bar before the breadcrumb? Both ways to to it if possible plaese. Thanks
  3. N

    XF 1.1 Polls

    Can anyone help with this please?
  4. N

    XF 1.1 Polls

    That's not what i'm after. I would like to have all the members names listed beside or underneath the option they voted for so to eliminate a member voting for their own photo (as in my forum polls) Also how can I stop a member voting for their own photo in a poll I create?
  5. N

    XF 1.1 Polls

    What about after you created the poll? I have done the poll with 22 options and members are asking to see who has voted for what but the option is not there?
  6. N

    XF 1.1 Polls

    Hi, Is there a template change where it can show who has voted and for which option please?
  7. N

    How to Install Wibiya Tool Bar

    I did everything as instructed here: But the bar did not show up and the little arrow by your username in the nav bar had disappeared??
  8. N

    Custom sidebar block

    Hi, This is a great add on. But is there a way I can make the title bold and a different colour? I got HTML as a countdown clock but can I make this darker and a little larger somehow? Screenshot below showing the Olympic countdown clock: Sorry the quality is not very good..
  9. N

    [YJD] Welcome to our newest member [Deleted]

    No it doesn't work. It's a great mod but i also want mine to be in the middle and the font much larger please...
  10. N

    Can I have a auto bot?

    Is there something like that which is free?
  11. N

    Can I have a auto bot?

    I want to have an automated bot that posts a message in a new forum I want to create. I want it to always post the thread title as: "welcome to our forum: (username) and the main text as: Welcome to our forum (username) from (wherever..) blah, blah etc. Is this possible?
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