Recent content by NamasteDogs

  1. NamasteDogs

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Getting errors in ACP with new version: ErrorException: Undefined index: campaign_id - library/Audentio/DonationManager/Model/Campaign.php:682 ErrorException: Undefined index: donation_values - library/Audentio/DonationManager/Model/Campaign.php:422 ErrorException: Undefined index...
  2. NamasteDogs


    I uninstalled UI.X and Scratch and reinstalled everything...except I can't because I get this error: "An exception occurred: editor_contents.css - Line 80: Invalid math expression in /home/domain/public_html/library/XenForo/Template/Compiler.php on line 991"
  3. NamasteDogs


    :( And now my mod bar and user bar have rounded corners that they didn't have before.
  4. NamasteDogs


    Why is it that every time I try to update Scratch, my logo disappears, the header lines go out of whack, and in general I have to downgrade to get the look back? What am I doing wrong?
  5. NamasteDogs


    How can I downgrade back to previous version from There are many changes, including our logo completely disappearing, that I am not happy with.
  6. NamasteDogs

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    :( Throwing server errors I'm afraid ErrorException: Undefined index: campaign_type - library/Audentio/DonationManager/Model/Campaign.php:359 #0 /home/bigdogsp/public_html/library/Audentio/DonationManager/Model/Campaign.php(359): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...'...
  7. NamasteDogs

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Same issue here :(
  8. NamasteDogs

    Register Email

    Getting errors with every new registration since updating to 3.3: ErrorException: Undefined index: requireLocation - library/Andy/RegisterEmail/ControllerPublic/Register.php:113
  9. NamasteDogs

    Sypex Dumper, Backup and restore your database

    Works fine on my 1.5.1 install
  10. NamasteDogs

    [TH] Donate - Multi-campaign manager [Deleted]

    Hey guys, thanks for the new modal donation window! But....might wanna have a look at this ;)
  11. NamasteDogs


    Thanks for all your help! One last thing before I take it live...there are a million errors here. Is this something to worry about?
  12. NamasteDogs


    @Martok you ROCK. That did it! Could you please tell me how to make user bar sticky on desktop but not on mobile?
  13. NamasteDogs


    While we're at it, brand mark shows in nav bar when resized on browser on computer but not on iPhone either.... it SHOULD show the full logo until I scroll, at which point it switches to brand mark on nav bar and nav bar should be sticky.
  14. NamasteDogs


    Safari iOS 9
  15. NamasteDogs


    Unticked, refreshed, still not sticking :(
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