Recent content by My Dime Is Up

  1. My Dime Is Up

    Browser issue "Find member" search input has password dropdown

    Obviously there is no password input for searching a member's name.
  2. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.2 DB Migration

    Well after editing src/XF.php and the $versionId tag to 2020672 it worked. All good here and /install no longer returns 504. This can be closed
  3. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.2 DB Migration

    I added $config['checkVersion'] = false; to the config which is a bandaid fix for now. I was going from patch 1 to patch 2
  4. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.2 DB Migration

    This is what results in the 504 Gateway error. I did some slight progress though in debugging this. \XF::$versionId returns 2020672 and $this->options()->currentVersionId returns 2020671.
  5. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.2 DB Migration

    Hello. we migrated our DB to a new host and upgrade it. Now we're stuck on "The site is currently being upgraded. Please check back later.". When going to the /install it gives 504 Gateway error. I briefly removed install-lock.php and it says the version is "v2.2.6 Patch 2". So its already been...
  6. My Dime Is Up

    Developer Documentation (Community Wiki Editing)

    While yes but it's not a "wiki" of functions, their purpose, arguments, and return values. Primarily function explanation is what we're looking for, not a guide on how to do something specific. Think of this suggestion not as looking for a wiki/guide for being spoonfed information on how to do...
  7. My Dime Is Up

    Developer Documentation (Community Wiki Editing)

    I have setup a clone of my public forums on my local computer and setup Phpstorm (which was easy since I already use IntelliJ Idea). Its excellent, showing me all the functions I can call. It doesn't detail the use of each function and what it returns (obv). A big improvement on my end but I'd...
  8. My Dime Is Up

    Developer Documentation (Community Wiki Editing)

    I would agree and disagree. As for an IDE, probably should get one (What do you use and recommend especially since I edit over SSH)? As per getting use to XF, it isn't true for everyone though. Not only do I bounce from Garry's Mod Lua to managing the whole Linux dedi and multi-VMs, to my A.P...
  9. My Dime Is Up

    Developer Documentation (Community Wiki Editing)

    (Cross-Post since I'm not sure which forum to put in. However I think it mostly should be posted here after thinking about it for a little) A little repost I guess you could say of this I can't...
  10. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.1 WYSIWYG Error

    Thanks @ozzy47 I did read that however it seems to be referencing that image uploading was disabled on the forums, which it isn't (Hence why it works when posting threads), unless it is an attribute you add when creating editorrow. Hopefully the push a 2.1.4 soon so I can test it and see if it...
  11. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.1 WYSIWYG Error

    Hi everyone, Making a form submission addon and having problems with a field inside my addon. WYSIWYG has problems when submitting images and ocasionally emojis. Here is the error that appears in the console on firefox "InvalidNodeTypeError: The supplied node is incorrect or has an incorrect...
  12. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.1 Please delete

    -snip- wrong section
  13. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.1 Session ending constantly (XF 2.1.3)

    Recently upgraded to XenForo 2.1.3 and was programming some custom addons and just generally getting the forum setup for release and all of a sudden when we upgrade to 2.1.3, I noticed I was constantly being logged out (About every 10 minutes) from the forums. This happened to while in the...
  14. My Dime Is Up

    XF 2.0 XenForo 2 Helper Function

    Now it works. Thanks very much
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