Recent content by Mutlu

  1. M

    XF 1.5 Not opening thread

    In my web site there is a forum in Some of threads are named like this 04.11.2014 gece çekimleri ( 14.toplantı...
  2. M

    XF 1.4 VB4 Import problem

    I solved this problem now. I added this line into my .htaccess RewriteRule ^threads/([0-9]+)-.*$ /threads/$1? [R=301,L] Thank you for your help
  3. M

    XF 1.4 VB4 Import problem

    I didn't use vbseo. This is also not working. RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+-([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L] RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+.html showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L] When I clicked "" it redirects main domain "".
  4. M

    XF 1.4 VB4 Import problem

    Hi, I'm new on xenforo. I migrated from vb 4.2 and import my forum. Google listed my webpage as "" and now this page on "" I installed redirection add-ons but not working. Please help. I moved my old vb...
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