Recent content by Minterwute

  1. Minterwute

    As designed Associative arrays as a default values in Serialized DataWriter fields.

    I've run into an issue developing an addon for XF 1.4.3. Setting a non-empty associative array as the default value for a field of type TYPE_SERIALIZED (or TYPE_JSON) in a DataWriter will result in an error caused by an attempted read on index 0. Steps to reproduce the issue: Add a field to a...
  2. Minterwute

    [TH] User Edit on Front End [Deleted]

    Using this addon together with Sub-accounts, I've had user (registered users, specifically) run into the issue that they get a permission error when trying to edit profile fields on their sub-accounts. Notably, they can access the edit page, but trying to save changes will result in an error...
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