Recent content by Mine_bukkit

  1. Mine_bukkit

    XF 1.4 Importing from Mybb 1.6

    Hi, I try to import the forum MyBB towards xenforo, everything is good except that I cannot import the forums, the users... Do you know why ?
  2. Mine_bukkit

    XF 1.3 Problem with some topic

    So just this solution? because I tried two solutions, but there are always errors I'm on a VPS
  3. Mine_bukkit

    XF 1.3 Problem with some topic

    Thanks for your quick reply , I tried various techniques but it doesn't work I tried this : -à_l'heure -
  4. Mine_bukkit

    XF 1.3 Problem with some topic

    I deactivated all addons but here is the list :
  5. Mine_bukkit

    XF 1.3 Problem with some topic

    Hello , I have a problem with XenForo 1.3 : On some topic, we can not post reply , we have a error : Cannot insert a message in the middle of a discussion. XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_setPosition() inXenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php at line 353...
  6. Mine_bukkit

    Hello, Have you planned an update for 1.3? Have a good day

    Hello, Have you planned an update for 1.3? Have a good day
  7. Mine_bukkit

    Core - [Deleted]

    Always not uptate Version : 1.1.5 and not in 1.2 :(
  8. Mine_bukkit

    Core - [Deleted]

    Yes but Not uptate on PixelExit
  9. Mine_bukkit

    Template Modification System (TMS)

    Hey, I have a error : Server Error Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicata du champ '5-admin_navigation_templateModifications' pour la clef 'language_id_title' Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297 Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in...
  10. Mine_bukkit

    Aurora - [Deleted]

    I have a problem : Can you help me please ?
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