Recent content by MilesB

  1. MilesB

    XF 2.1 Has anyone made Xenforo look like a social site yet?

    This looks good (needs the sidebar nav, obviously) but it does neglect all of the actual forum based conversations... This is what I'm dreaming of... One feed that mashes up the most recent new threads, new replies and new profile posts into 1 feed, chronologically ordered based on most recent...
  2. MilesB

    XF 2.1 Has anyone made Xenforo look like a social site yet?

    @drastic I have been looking into XF alternatives for my private membership site because of the lack of social engagement.... Circle, mighty networks, tribes, etc. They all have a social first approach and it seems to foster a lot more engagement in communities. At this point I'm still on XF...
  3. MilesB

    [TH] Email Reports [Deleted]

    It appears to do precisely that, Chimpie.
  4. MilesB

    Add-on Daily/Weekly Subscribed Thread Mail Digest [Paid]

    ForumCube, thanks for your offer! I would love to learn a bit more about you and your XenForo experience. Can you share what add ons you have created in the past for XenForo, or link to the thread in the resources area? I'd like to get an idea of your work. I'm communicating with some of...
  5. MilesB

    Add-on Daily/Weekly Subscribed Thread Mail Digest [Paid]

    Yes, Yes, Yes! I'm very interested in this as with our new forum some members are already complaining about the volume of emails and are requesting this feature.... Surprised it isn't available yet.... Willing to contribute/purchase a solution
  6. MilesB

    Anyone interested in an open-source email digest add-on?

    I'd be willing to pay for (or contribute to the creation of) an addon that allowed users to say 'Receive Daily Email Of All Replies/Watched Threads' instead of receiving email after email after email.... Honestly, I'm amazed this isn't a core feature.
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